terça-feira, 31 de março de 2020

The New Way to Chat With Your Visitors

Marketing has evolved into an omnichannel approach. This means you can no longer just go after one channel to succeed.

Back in the day, companies like Facebook grew into billion-dollar businesses through one channel.

Facebook used email to grow and they did it by having you invite all your contacts to join Facebook.

Yelp was also similar. They grew into a multi-million dollar business through one channel… SEO.

Dropbox grew through social media. If you tweeted about Dropbox, they would give you more space.

These marketing approaches worked well for all of these well-known companies, but what’s wrong with them?

The law of shitty click-throughs

What worked for Facebook, Yelp, and Dropbox were all great strategies, but over time, all good marketing channels got saturated and stopped working like they used to.

As Andrew Chen puts it, first it works and then it doesn’t.

It really is that simple. Sure, those channels can still drive traffic and always will, but as people get used to them, they won’t work as well.

Just check out this image below.

Can you guess what that is?

That was the first banner ad. AT&T created that banner ad and placed it on HotWired.com in 1994. And here’s what’s really crazy… out of all the people who saw it, a whopping 44% clicked on it.

Just think about that… that banner ad had a 44% click-through rate.

We can all agree it’s not an amazing banner ad or design, it just so happens that it was new and novel at the time, so it generated massive amounts of clicks.

Just like how SEO was more effective earlier on, or paid ads were more affordable and produced a higher ROI, or referral marketing was much more effective. There are a lot of single-channel case studies that worked in the past.

Again, it doesn’t mean any of these channels don’t work, it just means that they don’t work as well as they used to work.

So how do you survive in a competitive market?

You take an omnichannel approach. You don’t have a choice other than to use all of the marketing channels out there.

Yes, they will be competitive and saturated, but they still work.

It’s a game of papercuts… papercuts are small and don’t do much damage, but if you have tons of these small papercuts, they will add up and can do some damage.

The same goes with your marketing. If you add up all of these channels that produce a small amount of ROI, it will add up to a big number at the end. But when you look at each channel individually, the results aren’t that sexy. But when you combine them, it looks great.

Start with chat

What do you check more, your text messages or your email inbox?

I bet you are going to say text messages because you look at your phone more often than logging into your email inbox.

But here is an interesting stat for you… did you know that over 6 billion SMS messages are sent daily?

Now can you guess how many emails are sent daily?

269 billion!

That’s a big difference.

And do you know how many people visit Facebook each day?

1.62 billion.

Now the point of me sharing those stats isn’t to try and tell you that email is better than text. Or that Facebook isn’t as valuable as text messaging.

It’s more so to show you that they are all massive channels that people are using each and every day.

So why wouldn’t you try and leverage all of them?

And you can easily do so through free chat marketing tools like Manychat that allow you to communicate to your visitors using text messaging, email marketing, and Facebook Messenger.

Once you have created your Manychat account, go here to watch how to set it up. They have tons of very helpful videos that teach you how to do things like setting up Facebook Messenger bots and connecting your Facebook page so you can start sending out messages.

Now that you are all set up, I want you to use the following templates for your business as I know they convert…

Templates that convert

My team and I have tested out tons of different messaging for all channels, such as email, messenger and text messaging.

Here are the ones that have worked the best for us…

Text messaging templates

My favorite text message to send someone is:

[first name]?

When someone sends you a text with just your first name and a “?” what do you do? Chances are you respond with… “who is this?”.

Once someone responds with who is this, our sales reps typically respond with…

This is John from Neil Patel’s team. I just wanted to follow up to see if you have any questions or if we can help you with anything.

It’s simple and it works well and it has boosted our sales by 4.69%.

Another one that works well is a “flash sales” text message…

Flash Sale: All product on [yoursite] are [x]% off for the next 24 hours. [insert URL]

This one works really well during holidays or anytime you want to run a promotion. Depending on the size of the business you run and how big your list is, you will usually see an additional 2 to 3% in revenue for that month.

And my favorite text campaign is…

Check out this new blog post, [subject of the blog post] [URL]

An example would be… “Check out this new blog post on doubling your SEO traffic [URL]”

When I send out text message alerts for new posts, it usually increases the traffic to that blog post by another 4%.

Email templates

You’re probably familiar with this email template as you get it from me every week. 😉

Subject: How to Generate Leads When You Have Little to No Traffic

If you have a ton of traffic, it’s easy to generate leads.

But what if you have a new website or one with little to no traffic?

What if you don’t have any money to spend on paid ads?

What should you do?

Well, there is a solution. Here’s how you generate leads when you have no traffic.


Neil Patel

I send out an email every Tuesday and Saturday that looks something like that.

It’s a simple text-based email where the subject line is the title of your blog post and the text of the email states a problem and solution, with the solution being a link to the blog post.

To give you a rough idea, that email format has been getting me 29% to 33% open rates and 4% to 7% click-through rates.

And if you are selling info products through webinars, there are 8 types of emails I use to generate sales (check out that post if you want to learn how to make good money selling info products):

  1. Invite sequence – these are a series of emails that invite people to watch your webinar. (here are my invite emails)
  2. Indoctrination – you need to build a connection with people. People are more likely to convert if they know more about you and trust you. (here are my indoctrination emails)
  3. No shows – just because someone signs up to watch your webinar, it doesn’t mean they will attend. For everyone who doesn’t attend, you’ll want to email them and get them to watch the replay. (here are my no show emails)
  4. Encore – not everyone will watch your whole webinar. If they don’t stick to the end they won’t see your offer. You’ll want a few emails that push the replay. (here are my encore emails)
  5. Objection handler – there are a handful of reasons someone may not buy. You’ll want to answer each of those objections through email. (here are my objection handler emails)
  6. Countdown sequence – you’ll want to close off your course. Letting people know that they only have a few days left to buy is a really effective way to generate sales. These emails will roughly make up 1/3 to half of your sales. (here are my countdown emails)
  7. Last chance email – on the last day you’ll want to send a few emails letting people know it is about to close. (here are my last chance emails)
  8. Free trial offer – the majority of people won’t buy from you. Offering the last chance free trial offer is a great way to roughly get 15% more sales. (here are my free trial emails)

If you are selling products, there are 3 main emails that I’ve found to work well. The first 2 are for cart abandonment.

Subject: Did you forget something?

We noticed that you left something behind. Don’t worry though, we saved the items in your cart so you can easily complete your purchase.

[insert picture of products]

CTA button: Return to cart

This simple abandonment email typically increases sales by 1.73%. I know it’s not a lot, but it’s all about the papercuts as I mentioned above. 😉

Subject: Still thinking about it?

If you can’t decide on whether [insert product name] is right for you, here are some of the benefits:

[insert benefit 1]

[insert benefit 2]

[insert benefit 3]

[insert benefit 4]

[insert benefit 5]

[insert benefit 6]

So, what are you waiting for? You have nothing to lose with our 30 day no questions asked money back guarantee.

CTA: Complete my purchase

On average this email has provided our customers an increase of 1.44% in sales.

Subject: Who doesn’t love 15% off?

Explore new [type of products you sell] that will help you with [insert benefit].

Sale ends at [insert date and time].

CTA: Claim my discount

Now with the discount/coupon code email, we’ve found the results to vary a lot. The bigger the discount, the more sales you will typically receive. The biggest gains are when companies offer over 30% or greater discount.

Facebook Messenger templates

Unlike email and text, you can’t just easily just message people on Facebook Messenger and do whatever you want. There are rules

  • You can message a subscriber within the last 24 hours of your last interaction.
  • Within that 24-hour time period, you can send promotional material.
  • After the 24 hour period, messages must contain one of these 4 tags: confirmed event update, post-purchase update, account update, or a human agent.
  • For users who opt-in to receive messages after 24 hours, you can, of course, message them.

As for templates that work, because Facebook is continually changing Messenger rules, follow these templates over at Manychat as they constantly change based on real-time data of what is working or what isn’t.


You have no choice but to take an omnichannel approach with your marketing.

Sure, all good channels eventually get crowded and click-throughs will decrease over time, but if you go after all of the main channels the marginal gains will add up.

And the easiest way to start with going omnichannel is with chat. I know you are probably using email, but I bet you aren’t using text messaging or even Facebook Messenger bots. And I bet you aren’t using push notifications either.

So, how many marketing channels are you using?

The post The New Way to Chat With Your Visitors appeared first on Neil Patel.

The New Way to Chat With Your Visitors
Publicado Primeiro em Neil Patel

sexta-feira, 27 de março de 2020

Como fazer publicidade a internet?

“A publicidade é uma importante ferramenta de marketing que está sempre em busca da melhor forma de comunicar ao seu público-alvo marcas e produtos. Ela pode ser entendida como formas de promover um produto.
“qualquer forma remunerada de apresentar ou promover produtos, serviços e marcas, feita por um patrocinador claramente identificado e veiculada nos meios de comunicação”
José Pinho

Além de alavancar vendas, a publicidade tem como objetivo informar e motivar no cliente comportamentos. Bem como busca modificar imagens através de técnicas de persuasão, mas através de boas práticas, para chegar aos clientes.
Com a internet, o consumidor passou a contar com uma infinidade de informações em blogs especializados, mecanismos de busca e sites para comparação de preços, além das redes sociais.
Se tornou possível buscar mais dados, trocar experiências e esclarecer dúvidas. Para acompanhar essa mudança, as marcas tiveram que ampliar seu universo e passar a investir também na comunicação com o mercado pela internet.
O mundo de Publicidade Na Internet tem diversa opções como anúncios em sistemas de busca, ou propagandas em redes sociais. As opções são múltiplas podem ser bem aproveitadas se utilizadas da forma correta para o seu negócio ganhar visibilidade e sair na frente de seus concorrentes.

O que é publicidade na internet?

Publicidade na internet não é algo tão fácil assim.
É conhecida como uma estratégia ou conjunto de estratégias que utiliza táticas e técnicas para a construção da imagem de uma marca, bem como de divulgação de serviços visando o aumento de vendas e fidelização de clientes.
É possível alcançar muito mais pessoas bem como fazer a segmentação de público, fazendo com que a internet possibilite eficiente estratégias de conversão.
Além disso, como a audiência é maior, permite que sua informação seja amplamente divulgada.
Uma pesquisa realizada pelo Ibope demonstrou que o número de visitas a sites de compras online aumentou!
Aumentou 30% e que o mercado de publicidade digital continua crescendo.
Em dezembro de 2011, 62,9 bilhões de anúncios publicitários foram veiculadas online no Brasil, alcançando 50,8 milhões de usuários da internet.
A publicidade tradicional acabou por perder relativo espaço às estratégias de marketing para a internet, porque esta acaba por permitir resultados mais rápidos e um retorno sobre o investimento maior.
Como já sabemos, a internet é utilizada em todo mundo, principalmente as redes sociais. E, até, acaba ser mais barato investir através dela que os meios de comunicação rádio e TV.
Na internet o consumidor pode interagir diretamente com o anúncio, clicando para obter mais informações ou até mesmo para comprar o produto. A flexibilidade da publicidade on-line é total, pois uma campanha pode ser lançada, atualizada ou cancelada imediatamente.
Além disso, o usuário pode interagir com o produto, testá-lo e, se gostar, comprá-lo imediatamente. Com mais fornecedores, aumenta a variedade de produtos ofertados e, consequentemente, os preços diminuem.
O consumidor tem acesso a mais informações, pode realizar pesquisas e comparações e se comunicar com outros usuários daquele produto ou serviço para trocarem experiências.

Ferramentas publicitárias na web
Com a internet, o espaço publicitário se tornou praticamente ilimitado, por isso é necessário escolher qual a melhor estratégia para se atingir o seu público.
A forma mais comum de publicidade na internet. Um banner tem dois objetivos principais: o fortalecimento de uma marca e a venda direta.
Fortalecimento de uma marca (Branding)
É uma maneira de colocar uma marca ou nome de alguma empresa no consciente do público, como por exemplo, ao surgir uma nova marca de sapatos, é utilizado o branding para que fique conhecida, logo, assim que alguém pensar em comprar um sapato vai se lembrar da marca do anúncio.
Ao entrar em uma página, esses anúncios aparecem repentinamente em uma nova janela cobrindo a parte em que se estava lendo.
Aparecem atrás da página que está sendo visualizada, geralmente são percebidos apenas quando a janela do navegador é fechada.
Anúncios flutuantes
Logo ao entrar em uma página, os anúncios flutuantes aparecem na tela voando ou flutuando, tornando impossível visualizar a página enquanto não forem fechados.
Anúncios unicast
São apresentados em janelas pop-ups com vídeos e sons, com duração de 10 a 30 segundos, muito parecidos com comerciais de televisão, porém, com algo a mais, pois o consumidor pode clicar no anúncio e obter mais informações.
Links Patrocinados
Oferecido por sites de busca, integra palavras-chave definidas pelo anunciante, que quando pesquisadas exibem tanto os resultados quanto os anúncios.
E-mail Marketing
Utiliza o e-mail como forma de publicidade, enviando informações publicitarias aos usuários.
A otimização de sites para motores de busca SEO já é um dos principais aliados para se fazer prospecção e dar visibilidade a campanhas de publicidade online. Com aumento da competitividade a mídia gerada através dos motores de busca consegue criar um mercado sólido, assim dando mais um pilar para a publicidade no geral que já enxerga da maneira homogênea o segmento. 

Como ganhar dinheiro na publicidade da internet?

Custo por Mil impressões (CPM) ou Effective Cost Per Mille (eCPM)
Anunciante paga o anúncio por cada 1000 visualizações.
Custo por Clique(CPC) ou Pay-Per-Click (PPC)
Paga-se de acordo com a quantidade de cliques no anúncio.
Custo Por Aquisição / ação (CPA) ou Pay-per-action(PPA)
O anunciante paga apenas quando é feita uma determinada ação. Por exemplo, o anunciante escolhe pagar apenas se for efetuado uma compra, logo, a cada vez que um consumidor clicar no anúncio e efetuar uma compra, o anunciante paga.

Portanto, as maiores vantagens são a facilidade para encontrar formas de fazer a publicidade, alcance ao público e a falta de limitação para a publicidade. Assim, se torna um eficiente meio publicitário.

O conteúdo Como fazer publicidade a internet? aparece primeiro em ADRS MARKETING.

Apareceu Primeiro em: ADRS MARKETING https://ift.tt/3dw5xcN

quarta-feira, 25 de março de 2020

Como as redes sociais podem bombar o seu negócio

As redes sociais tomaram conta do mundo. Hoje, uma empresa, seja de pequeno ou grande porte, apenas possui uma estratégia de marketing completa quando abre canais nas redes sociais.
É necessário desenvolver estratégias para que você adquira mais clientes através das redes sociais.
É importante saber que não há passo a passo ou fórmula mágica que faça seu negócio crescer. O que é preciso, no entanto, são coisas básicas porem importantes: esforço, paciência, mais esforço e mais paciência. Só assim verá seu trabalho dando frutos.
É necessário trabalhar noites inteiras, sábados e domingos, inclusive nos momentos que outras pessoas estão se divertindo, e que você gostaria muito de estar lá – mas, estará frente ao computador, trabalhando e buscando seus sonhos.

Esteja presente nas redes sociais

O ditado “quem não é visto, não é lembrado” é pura verdade quando se trata na publicidade na Internet. Milhões de pessoas estão conectadas todos os dias, utilizando os serviços da Internet de maneira geral. Mas, principalmente, acessando redes sociais.
Segundo o Global Digital Report 2019, há mais de 4 bilhões de usuários conectados no mundo. Destes, 3,5 bilhões de pessoas são usuários de mídia social, compondo 45% da população mundial. É cada vez mais nítido que investir em presença digital é de suma importância para a visibilidade e crescimento da empresa.
Estar em redes sociais, assim como demonstrado na pesquisa, faz com que você seja notado e lembrado.
Estar em meios de comunicação traz a possibilidade de interação com o público, bem como de atualizações do que você tem de novidade em seu negócio.
O relacionamento com o cliente pode ser mantido de maneira satisfatória através das redes sociais, pois através deles, você pode:
Conversar com seguidores;
Realizar enquetes;
Responder aos comentários, e;
Tirar dúvidas.
Com isso, é possível manter um relacionamento saudável e dinâmico com seus seguidores, e conseguindo fidelizar os atuais e conquistar novos através do marketing de boca-a-boca.
Dar voz aos clientes também é uma boa técnica, pois o oferecimento de um espaço para os clientes falarem o que pensam de sua marca é ideal.

Mas eu tenho vantagens em investir em presença digital?

Além do já dito, a internet é a forma como metade da população do planeta se comunica e pode vir a conhecer sobre variadas coisas.
Através da presença digital, seu endereço web está facilmente acessível, e sua marca pode conquistar clientes de todos os lugares.
Com a publicidade na internet, sua marca/seu produto vem a conseguir:
Resultados rápidos
Através das métricas existentes nas redes sociais, você pode analisar se sua estratégia de marketing está tendo os resultados esperados ou não. Diante de resultados negativos, pode-se imediatamente modificar a estratégia, ou se for positivo, aumentar o investimento para que o retorno seja ainda maior.
Com as métricas você pode verificar os hábitos de acesso de seus clientes, bem como os tipos de postagens que foram melhor aceitas que outras.
Tornar-se autoridade
Com a popularização de sua marca, a credibilidade dela aumentará, tanto até o ponto que se torne uma autoridade ou referência em seu nicho.
A consolidação da merca agrega valor ao produto ou serviço oferecido, e melhora o posicionamento da empresa na Internet.
Para isso, é necessário cuidar bem de seu público e de seu produto ou serviço, investimento na qualidade do atendimento e do controle de danos (caso seu negócio seja varejo online, possibilitar uma rápida troca de produto defeituoso).
Além disso, caso seu negócio seja de produtos físicos e sua marca tiver um estabelecimento físico, buscar ser conhecido na internet pode te trazer clientes de locais diferentes além do que você estar instalado.
Caso o negócio seja sobre vendas de lanches ou comidas, uma frequência de postagens no Instagram junta a táticas de persuasão de compras podem te fazer ter entregas em toda região metropolitana do seu estado.
Redes sociais e os clientes
A chave para o sucesso deste tipo de empreendimento é a fidelização dos clientes. Lembre-se sempre que um negócio não prospera conquistando clientes novos todos os dias, mas sim, mantendo a fidelização de clientes antigos.
Os clientes recorrentes são aqueles que confiam na sua marca. Por isso é tão importante cuidar bem deles.
Portanto, é muito importante encantar o cliente para que ele goste de comprar seu produto e sempre volte até você é uma das tarefas mais difíceis.
Assim, uma boa gestão de redes sociais é aquela que foca na conquista e fidelização do público, utilizando todas as técnicas disponíveis para tal.
Para utilizar as redes sociais de forma eficiente, é preciso:

  1. Entender seu público-alvo
    É necessário saber as necessidades de sua clientela, para entender quais são os seus desejos, anseios e hábitos de consumo, além de também ser importante saber o que eles não gostam.
    Ou seja: o estudo de mercado não é opcional. Na verdade, se torna obrigatório para se tornar efetivo nas estratégias em redes sociais.
    É necessário saber as tendências que seu público possui. Aqui, entra até mesmo saber as preferências políticas, gostos por música, e quais jornais eles acompanham.
    As tendências de seus clientes é a forma que sua empresa vai vestir a camisa para poder atrai-los. Por isso, busque sempre se manter atualizado, bem como atualizar suas campanhas ou marketing de acordo com os clientes.
  2. Manter relacionamento
    O relacionamento com o cliente é exatamente o motivo de você estar nas redes sociais. Por isso, precisa ser feito com maestria e claro, muito carinho.
    A transparência é fundamental para estabelecer uma boa comunicação com o seu público. Por isso, desenvolva boas políticas e mantenha seu perfil sempre atualizado. Se por acaso você demorar a responder comentários, justifique! Sempre esteja “limpo”.
    Lembre-se sempre: quem é não é visto, não é lembrado, portanto apesar de o relacionamento acontecer bastante para que seu cliente adquira confiança em você, até que se motive a comprar na sua marca.

O conteúdo Como as redes sociais podem bombar o seu negócio aparece primeiro em ADRS MARKETING.

Apareceu Primeiro em: ADRS MARKETING https://ift.tt/2UFmvNf

terça-feira, 24 de março de 2020

Ubersuggest is Now More Free

Please read the whole post as I have a few surprises for everyone and it affects all member types.

A month or so ago, I blogged about the future of Ubersuggest and how there will still be free plans along with paid ones.

But as you probably noticed, the free plan wasn’t as generous as you were hoping for.

And with Coronavirus growing at a rapid pace and affecting so many people and businesses, I thought I would do my part and help small businesses out.

Because if I help you grow a bit more without spending money, hopefully, you won’t have to lay off any people and, ideally, you will even be able to hire a few more people.

So today, I have made Ubersuggest “more free” and over the next week, it will become even more free.

What does that mean? Let me break it down for you…

You’ll have full access to historical data

First off, anytime you want to view graphs on historical data, you no longer have to pay.

For example, if you want to see how popular a keyword was over the last 12 months, all you have to do is type it in and you’ll see the data.

If you aren’t logged in, you only see 3 months’ worth of data (this is to help stop scrapers and reduce server expenses), but once you log in, which again is free, you’ll see historical data.

The same goes for traffic estimates. Anytime you look up a competitor, you’ll be able to see their search traffic over the last 12 months as well as how many keywords each site is ranking for during that time period.

As for backlinks, there is a historical link graph and a new and lost link graph.

Currently, it is blocked off for only paid members, but in the next 7 days I WILL BE OPENING IT UP FOR FREE.

Sorry for the delay, but it takes my developers a bit of time to make this change.

So, within the next week, this will also be available for free.

You also have access to more keywords

Have you performed keyword research recently?

If you haven’t tried, look up a domain and go to the “keywords” navigation item…

Once you land on that report, you will see a really long list of keywords. 🙂

If you aren’t logged in, you’ll be asked to do so, and this is also free. The reason being is this helps stops scrapers and reduces server costs.

The same goes for the keyword ideas report. This report gives you more keyword suggestions once you enter in a keyword.

In the navigation menu bar, click on “keyword ideas.”

Enter in a keyword and you’ll be given a list of other related terms.

Again, you may be asked to log in, which is free, but that is to reduce scrapers on our end to save on server costs.

More content ideas and top pages

Over the next 7 days, we are also going to make the content ideas report and the top pages a bit more generous.

We will probably provide four times more results for free on these two reports.

So when you are looking for ideas for your next blog post, you’ll see more recommendations.

Or if you are looking up a competitor to see which pages drive them the most traffic, you’ll want to go to the “top pages” report. In the navigation, click on “top pages.”

At the moment, you can see some for free, but again in the next week, you will be able to see roughly four times more without having to pay for it.

The changes with the content ideas report and the top pages may be rolled out sooner but by next Tuesday at the latest, they will be ready.

There’s also more good news

My goal with Ubersuggest isn’t to make money. It is honestly to break even as my costs are so high. It’s well over $200,000 a month. 🙁

These changes will probably make it take 12 months for me to break even instead of 6 months… but hey, that’s life. It’s the least I can do with all of the businesses out there struggling due to the Coronavirus and all of the people getting sick.

As paid members, you will still get access to more data, be able to create more projects, and crawl more pages to find SEO errors.

But I am going to sweeten the deal for you over the next 30 days as I am adding some stuff that is going to really help you grow your traffic.

Here’s what I am thinking:

  1. Bi-weekly training – every month, my team and I will be holding 2 group calls to help you grow your traffic. The first call will go over an SEO tactic that you need to implement and I will break down how you can do so. The second monthly call will be a QA where anyone can ask me and my team questions and we will answer them. And if you are wondering if I am going to be on the calls, I will. With my busy schedule, I probably will miss some, but I will be on many of the calls training you myself.
  2. Weekly action plan – I’m currently working on an SEO action plan. As a paid member, I will be giving you 12 things to implement (one each week for 12 weeks) to grow your SEO traffic. If you implement them, you’ll get more traffic. I know many of you are busy business owners, so I am trying to make things easy and help you get the most traffic with the least amount of work.
  3. On-demand help and support – we are adding live chat to Ubersuggest and the NeilPatel.com site. That way you can talk with my team of SEO experts, ask any questions related to your site or marketing, and we will help you. That way you can get customized one-on-one advice. This is what you’ll really need to grow.
  4. Ultimate SEO course – I’m working on an SEO course that teaches you everything about SEO. It’s looking like it will be over 20 hours of video training material as well as worksheets, cheat sheets, and templates for you to use to make it easier for you to get results.
  5. Private Facebook group – we have a pretty decent size community, so why not leverage it to help each other grow? We will be creating a private Facebook group or Slack group (not sure which one), were we all help each other grow our traffic.

You’ll start seeing this stuff rolled out within 30 days as well as the Chrome extension which is in the final round of testing.

I also have some cool new features that we are close to adding that I know you will be excited for. 😉


Over the next 30 days, if you are a paid member, you’ll be getting even more.

And if you are strapped for cash, no worries. I am making the free plan even more generous, as you can see above. Just give Ubersuggest a try and you’ll see it is already “more free.”

My goal has never been to make money with this tool. It’s to help small and medium business owners succeed.

I know times are tough right now but try to stay safe by staying indoors more often and practicing social distancing.

So, what do you think about the new Ubersuggest Free plan?

The post Ubersuggest is Now More Free appeared first on Neil Patel.

Ubersuggest is Now More Free
Publicado Primeiro em Neil Patel

terça-feira, 17 de março de 2020

O Google no seu negócio: entenda a sua importância e como utilizá-lo

A internet é essencial para se estabilizar nos negócios. O Impacto do Google para as empresas é visto através do tráfego web: O Google é o local mais usados na Web para buscar por produtos ou serviços.

Portanto, pode se tornar fundamental para promover sua empresa na internet. Diante disto, escrevemos este artigo com as principais formas de utilizar o Google para seu negócio, bem como as principais vantagens.

O Google

O Google já deixou de ser apenas um buscador de sites e se tornou uma ferramenta incrível para todos os tipos de empresas. Possui recursos como Google Adwords, Google Meu Negócio, Google Analytics e Google Adsense.

Nem todas precisam ser utilizadas de maneira conjunta, mas a verdade é que cada ferramenta dessa pode oferecer resultados expansivos para sua marca em diversas partes.

O Marketing Digital se desenvolveu e hoje ganha cada vez mais adeptos. O Google é constantemente usado como parte de uma estratégia de marketing para atrair ou divulgar negócios na Internet. 

Assim, pode garantir resultados positivos se as empresas souberem usar das táticas disponíveis.

Existem formas pagas e gratuitas de utilizar o Google em seu favor. Pode-se chamar de tráfego pago e tráfego orgânico. E, as empresas podem utilizar das duas formas para obter novos clientes e serem vistos na internet.

O importante é saber utilizar a vasta ferramenta do Google para o seu negócio, com estratégias de marketing digital.


O SEO é um pilar importantíssimo de um Marketing Digital. É uma forma de conseguir tráfego orgânico – aquele que não é pago – e aumentar sua confiança perante os clientes na Web.

Cada vez mais empresas e pequenos negócios estão adentrando nesta modalidade. E o Google é o ambiente para o qual o SEO foi desenvolvido.

Através da determinação de palavras-chave, você pode posicionar o seu site ou blog na primeira página do Google. No entanto, para isso, é necessário que o conteúdo seja realmente relevante.

É uma incrível ferramenta tanto para grandes quanto pequenos negócios e pode facilmente divulgar sua marca através da propagação de conteúdos e conhecidos. Este é uma das formas mais famosas de Marketing de Conteúdo.

Portanto, se torna uma forma de fazer clientes através do Google, enquanto ao mesmo tempo divulga sua marca e seus serviços. Serve tanto para e-commerces ou lojas físicas, bastando ajustar o tipo de conceito que busca levar aos seus clientes.

Existe também o tráfego pago através do Google, que é muito importante para o negócio.

Tráfego Pago possibilitado no Google para o seu negócio

Formas de tráfego pago para seu negócio possibilitados pelo Google:

Custo por Clique (CPC)

O custo por clique é o valor que o Publisher recebe por cada anúncio pago em seu site. Este é o modelo utilizado na compra de palavras-chave do Google Adwords.

Custo por Mil (COM)

Este é o custo por mil impressões. Isso significa que a cada mil vezes que o anúncio for exibido ao público, a empresa responsável pelo anúncio paga para o Publisher.

Custo por Aquisição (CPA)

Este tipo de receita é a mais cara. Você só pagará quando receber o objetivo final da campanha. O Publisher só receberá o valor quando o anunciante receber algo: pode ser um contato, ou a efetivação do download de uma planilha, entre outros. É uma forma de anúncio mais cara.

Ferramentas do Google

Já existem algumas ferramentas imprescindíveis, possibilitadas pelo Google, para alavancar seu negócio. Estas podem ou não serem utilizadas em estratégias de Marketing Digital.

Mas, na verdade, não há como dissociar a web do Marketing. É através da web que seu negócio será visto e você terá mais clientes. Por isso é tão importante o conhecimento do Google como esta incrível forma para sua empresa.

Google Adwords

O Google Adwords é uma plataforma que auxilia a empresa a estar na primeira página de resultados de pesquisa do Google. Utilizando-a juntamente com uma estratégia de marketing de conteúdo, sua marca estará na primeira página desde que o cliente busque.

Como isso é possível? Através do Adwords, a empresa pode comprar uma palavra-chave que remete ao seu serviço, e com isso, sempre que o cliente buscá-la, sua empresa será divulgada.

É o chamado tráfego comprado, que diferente do tráfego orgânico, possui algumas garantias de alcance, potencialização campanhas e aumentando os leads, e dando visibilidade para a marca.

Google Analytics

Este é um recurso imprescindível para a parte de Marketing Digital de seu negócio. Através do Google Analytics, é possível você ter dados de seu site como:

  • Número de visitas;
  • Origem do tráfego (links externos, busca google ou uso das palavras-chaves compradas);
  • Possibilita uma análise dos resultados obtidos;
  • Auxilia na confecção da estratégia digital da marca.

Google Adsense

É aí que entra o dinheiro. Através do Adsense, é possível monetizar seu site através da inclusão de anúncios. Nisso, você pode ganhar dinheiro através de visualizações desses anúncios, de impressões ou de cliques.

Google Meu Negócio

Este é um recurso que possibilita atualizar a empresa no Google Maps. Através dele, é possível adicionar endereço, telefone para contato, imagens e outras informações que são pertinentes. Este é um bom recurso pois aumenta a confiança do usuário na marca, pois:

a) dá formas de o cliente fazer comentários de sua empresa na internet, e;

b) aumenta a confiança para possíveis novos clientes, que veem os comentários positivos e os dados de localização.

A importância de estar bem posicionado no Google

Estar bem posicionado no Google, portanto, significa ser visto. Se o seu negócio é visto, ele vai ser reconhecido, o que impulsiona a visibilidade de sua marca e seu estabelecimento como autoridade.

Neste sentido, as vantagens são inúmeras.

  • Você será reconhecido; ao ser reconhecido, seu site terá mais visualizações;
  • Você terá mais clientes. Independente do oferecido ser venda ou serviço, mais poderão te ver. Inclusive é possível você abrir uma franquia online. 
  • Isso pode aumentar também os seus clientes em estabelecimento físico.
  • Terá sua própria audiência. Isso acaba por se tornar muito eficiente para aqueles negócios que existem apenas em ambiente digital.

Gostou do artigo? Posicione-se bem no Google e alavanque o seu negócio.

O conteúdo O Google no seu negócio: entenda a sua importância e como utilizá-lo aparece primeiro em ADRS MARKETING.

Apareceu Primeiro em: ADRS MARKETING https://ift.tt/2WmYmNW

What The Coronavirus (COVID-19) Means For Marketers

By now you have heard about the Coronavirus.

The sad reality is that it is spreading quickly and will continue to spread for a while.

Did you know that we are getting roughly 15,000 new cases a day and it’s growing fast?

No one really knows how many people will be infected (or will pass away sadly), but it has caused the global stock markets to crash, which means as a business (or even a marketer), you will be affected.

And because my ad agency works with hundreds of companies in all the major sectors and we have 7 offices around the world, we are already starting to see how it is impacting marketing (I’ll share the data below).

So what does this mean for you?

Well, before I go into that, let me be clear on what marketers should NOT do.

Don’t exploit the situation

The first thing we are seeing is people trying to exploit fear.

What I mean by this is supplies are running low around the world. From masks and toilet paper to hand sanitizer and other basic necessities… I am seeing marketers buying them and then reselling them on eBay or running ads and selling them for 10-50x the price.

This isn’t entrepreneurship and this isn’t marketing. I highly recommend that you avoid exploiting the Coronavirus situation to make a quick buck.

Not only is it wrong but it is also very short-sighted. Sure you may be able to make a quick buck, but it won’t last… you are better off spending your time on anything that is long term.

So now that we got that out of the way, what does the Coronavirus mean for marketers?

Businesses are going to struggle for a while

Even if the virus slows down fast as the numbers have dropped in China, businesses are going to struggle for well over a year because they will have to make up for their losses.

For example, in China the virus caused retail sales to drop by 20.5% and the unemployment rate jumped to 6.2 in February.

When companies like Apple shut down their stores to help reduce the spread, it means less income and less profit. Sure they are able to pay their employees during their temporary shutdown, but not all companies have their bank balance and most won’t be able to do the same.

Just look at the travel industry. The virus is expected to lose them 820 billion dollars. Virgin Atlantic just asked their staff to take an 8-week unpaid leave.

The ports are also empty and the first rounds of layoffs have already started.

It’s estimated that in total COVID-19 will cost the global economy $2.7 trillion.

And not only are people losing money but they are losing traffic and conversions.

Organic traffic is down in most industries

As I mentioned above, we work with hundreds of clients in different industries through my agency. On top of that, we also have tons of data because of Ubersuggest.

Before I dive into the data, note that we didn’t focus on any one single country, we decide to look at the traffic stats from a global perspective. We also didn’t include data from sites with less than 5000 visitors a month as they tend to have drastic swings from a percentage perspective even when there are no global issues or algorithm updates.

We also don’t have data on every single industry, for example, we don’t really work with many restaurants nor do we purchase data for that category as local restaurants usually don’t have the biggest marketing budgets. We have data on most of the major ones, but again not all.

Now, from an SEO standpoint, last week we saw huge drops in organic traffic for most industries we are tracking. Just look at the chart below (compares last week to the previous week).

If you are in the news industry or financial space, your traffic skyrocketed. 

And if you are in the travel industry, you saw massive drops in traffic.

You can’t tell by the chart, but e-commerce was a mixed bag, depending on what sites sold, traffic was either up or down. For example, if you were selling baby products like diapers or wipes then you saw a nice bump in traffic.

But if you were selling luxury goods like big-screen televisions you saw a drop in traffic.

Conversions were also down for most industries

From a conversion rate standpoint, we saw drops in most industries as well. Even the financial sector, which had big traffic booms in traffic, dropped in conversions.

Just look at the chart below (comparing last week to the previous week):

As for news (media) sites, they had a big conversion lift as many of them charge for people to read their updated information.

For example, you can only read a certain amount of content from the Washington Post for free until you see a message that looks like this:

People didn’t want to miss out on Coronavirus, political and financial information with the turmoil, hence news sites saw a nice lift.

And with some sectors like travel, they are currently offering massive discounts, which is helping counteract some of their traffic declines. Overall, they are still seeing a massive revenue hit.

Pay-per-click data

We don’t have as much pay-per-click data as we do for SEO as Ubersuggest is mainly used for SEO purposes, but we haven’t seen big shifts in cost per click… even for things like the travel industry.

We don’t have a big enough sample size, but as I mentioned, costs haven’t come down much.

For example, even though we saw big dips in the number of people searching for things like flights or hotels, we didn’t see a drastic drop in CPC but we did see a big increase in cost per acquisition.

In other words, you can still roughly pay the same amount per click, but the cost per conversion has been going up for most industries… unless you are selling necessities like toilet paper.

So what does this mean for marketers?

Be fearful when others are greedy, and greedy when others are fearful

I didn’t come up with that saying, it’s actually a line from Warren Buffett.

You will see people cutting back because the economy is predicted to get hit by 2.7 trillion dollars and experts are saying that we are going to go into a recession.

You even have billionaire investors like Carl Ichan saying that the market has more room to go down and we should expect the sell-off has longer to go.

But what I’ve learned from going through two crashes (the dotcom crash in 2000 and the real estate crash in 2008) is that the best time to double down is when others are not.

During an economic downturn, you’ll find that you will have less competition, which means it is easier and faster to get results, and in some cases, you’ll be able to get deals, such as a potential reduction in pay-per-click advertising.

Just think of it this way: out of all the publicly traded companies in the United States, if the market keeps going down, many of them will struggle to pay off their debt, which has exploded to $75 trillion.

This means some companies will either go bankrupt, get bought out, or get bailed out by the government. Some may be able to cut costs enough to pay their bills, but for most, it will be too late.

Again, this just means less competition for you.

If you are lucky enough to be sitting on some cash during the recession this is the best time to buy out other companies. The ideal ones to buy are media companies.

The more eyeballs you control, the more power you will hold in the future. Plus, by controlling eyeballs, it gives you the ability to sell anything you want in the future.

It’s the reason I bought the KISSmetrics website for $500,000 a couple years ago. During their peak, they had 1,260,681 million unique visitors a month.

That’s a lot of traffic.

When I bought the site out, I was out a good amount of money for me, but the moment I merged it into the NeilPatel.com site, I increased my lead count by 19% and recuperated my investment in less than a year.

In other words, this is your opportunity to strike and gain market share.

So when you see your competitors closing down or slowing down on their marketing, the goal is to double down. You may not see the biggest return right away, but in the long term, you will.

Every time the market goes down by 20% or more it roughly takes 536 days to recover.

As we recover, you’ll see your revenue climb and the ROI from your marketing spend go through the roof.


Hopefully, the Coronavirus passes soon and it has minimal impact on lives. For the time being, try not to socialize with others too much or go into crowded places.

You should read this article by the Washington Post as it breaks down great simulations of how the Coronavirus will spread and what we can do to reduce the impact on the world.

And as for your marketing, this is the time for you to double down. Don’t be fearful when others are also afraid. Do what Warren Buffett does… be greedy when other people are fearful.

In other words, double down. 

How have you seen the Coronavirus affect your traffic?

PS: Please be safe and, if possible, stay indoors.

PPS: To help out a bit, I’ve opened up the keyword ideas report on Ubersuggest as well as historical keyword data. I know many of you may be facing financial difficulty, so hopefully having the data helps you save a bit of money on marketing.

The post What The Coronavirus (COVID-19) Means For Marketers appeared first on Neil Patel.

What The Coronavirus (COVID-19) Means For Marketers
Publicado Primeiro em Neil Patel

terça-feira, 10 de março de 2020

13 Amazing Free Chrome Extensions For SEO

Every SEO tool is different.

Some have better keyword data, others have better link data, others give better technical suggestions… in other words, there is no perfect tool.

And I really mean that, even though I created Ubersuggest for you.

Plus paying for a handful of SEO tools can be expensive and isn’t realistic.

But don’t worry, because today, I’m about to make your life a bit easier. Here are 13 free chrome extensions that will help you with your SEO.

What’s beautiful is that when you combine them all, you’ll have everything you need.

So here goes.

Extension #1: Keyword Surfer

It doesn’t matter if you use Ubersuggest, Ahrefs, or SEMrush… there is one thing that all of those tools have in common.

You as a user have to keep going back to them to get the keyword data you need.

Wouldn’t it be easier if you can get keyword insights and some backlink insights right in your Google browser?

With Keyword Surfer, you can get insights through Google’s interface. So, when you do a search for anything, you see the global search volume as well as the volume within your region.

On top of that, you’ll see a list of suggestions and search volume in the sidebar.

And if you scroll down a bit more you’ll see how many backlinks each result has, which gives you a rough idea of how many links you need to rank in the top 10.

Extension #2: Moz

Domain authority is a metric made up by Moz. Generally speaking, the higher your domain authority, the higher your rankings are.

Moz created a Chrome extension called Mozbar that tells you the domain authority and page authority for any page on the web.

This extension is handy when you are browsing the web and researching any potential competitors as it will quickly show you how you stack up to them and as you are going through their site you can easily spot their most authoritative pages that you need to analyze.

Extension #3: Similar Web

On the web, popularity is everything. We all want more traffic.

Although more traffic doesn’t always mean more revenue, in most cases it does.

Out of all the tools out there, I’ve found that Similar Web gives the most accurate traffic estimations compared to anyone else.

Now with the Similar Web extension, you can get traffic data without going back to their site.

The first thing you can see with this extension is traffic data for the last 6 months. It even breaks down the bounce rate, average pages per visit, and visit duration.

And as you scroll down you’ll be able to see what countries the visitors are coming from.

Last, but not least, it shows you the traffic makeup for each site as well. Is the traffic coming from search engines, social media, referral sources, or even direct traffic to the site?

Extension #4: Redirect Path

Redirect Path isn’t as well-known of an extension, but when you are doing technical SEO it is a must.

As time goes on, your URLs are going to change. Whether that is from a new structure or if you are deleting old content and consolidating your pages, this extension will tell you when something goes wrong.

Through Redirect Path, you can quickly see if a redirect is broken or working correctly.

Extension #5: Buzzsumo

Whether you love or hate Facebook, it’s still a popular site that can drive a lot of traffic.

As you are surfing the web, you’ll naturally end up reading some articles. Some of them will be on your competitor’s site and you may be wondering if the article did well or not.

Using the Buzzsumo extension, you can see how many social shares a given article has as well as their backlinks.

You can even see all the most popular articles from that website based on social sharing and backlink count.

This will give you a good idea about the type of content you need to start producing.

Extension #6: Meta SEO Inspector

Errors can really kill your traffic.

The smallest things like your meta tags can have a big impact on your rankings, so you’ll want to make sure they are fully optimized.

Using Meta SEO Inspector, you can quickly see if your meta tags are set up correctly.

As you can see from the screenshot above, it reports errors.

With that example, I quickly learned that one of my pages doesn’t have an open graph meta tag. That means that when people share that page on the social web, it may not show up correctly, meaning I won’t get as much social media traffic.

Extension #7: Check My Links

Similar to the Redirect Path extension as you are spending more time doing technical SEO and analyzing your competition, the more link data you have the better.

And external links aren’t the only ones that can help boost your rankings.

Knowing data on internal links is important as well.

Check My Links will give you all of the internal links numbers you need when browsing any page on your site (or your competition’s).

And not only will you see an overview, but you can also get details on the whole page as this extension highlights each link.

Extension #8: Pagespeed Insights

Load time doesn’t just impact conversions, it also impacts your rankings.

With nearly 60% of the searches being done from mobile devices, your load time is now more important than ever.

Through the Pagespeed Insights extension, you can quickly see what you need to do to improve your load time on any page on your site.

And if you see a score you don’t like, just click “need more” and it will take you to a detailed report that will give you feedback like this:

When you find a lot of errors, you’ll want to fix them as over time it will boost your rankings.

Extension #9: SEO Minion

SEO is all about the long game.

If you just spend 10 minutes a day making improvements, it can have a huge impact on your traffic a year down the road.

An easy way to get work done each day is through SEO Minion.

One task that I have my team constantly look at through SEO Minion is broken links.

You’ll want to fix any on your website. In addition, you can use it to find broken links on other websites and then hit them up to replace the broken link to one from your site.

Another way to grow your SEO traffic is by translating your content into other languages.

This extension also breaks down hreflang data, which is needed when you are targeting other regions and languages.

You’ll be given data on your on-page SEO.

Extension #10: SEOquake

SEOquake is the easiest way to get a detailed overview of your site.

The extension provides a detailed overview of things like your Alexa rank, indexing information for Google and Bing as well as your SEMrush rank.

From there, you can dive into specific reports such as a density or diagnosis report.

The density report breaks down the keyword density on any given page.

You don’t need to obsess about keyword density, but in general, if you don’t mention a keyword that you want to rank for then chances are you won’t rank for it.

The diagnosis report breaks down on-page SEO elements on any given page.

And the most used feature of SEOquake is when you perform a Google search. You’re given information on every site that ranks.

Extension #11: Ninja Outreach

No matter how much on-page SEO you do, you won’t rank well if you don’t build any links.

I know you hate this part of SEO, but manual outreach is one of the best ways to build links even though it is tedious.

One way to make it easier is through Ninja Outreach. This extension shows you all of the email addresses associated with a given domain.

Once you find a relevant site that you want to approach for a backlink opportunity, you can get their contact information through a click of a button and start crafting your custom email.

Extension #12: Keywords Everywhere

This is probably the most popular extension out there for SEOs.

Keywords Everywhere is great for anyone who is doing keyword research.

Just go to Google and type in any keyword that you are interested in going after. Keywords Everywhere will show you a laundry list of other related terms that you can go after as well.

You can quickly export the list and then compile a master list of keywords that are worth targeting.

What’s convenient about Keywords Everywhere is the data is provided right within Google versus having to go to a specific tool.

Extension #13: Fatrank

Although it is a bad habit, as SEOs, we all obsess about rankings.

If you want an easy and free way to track your rankings, just set up a project on Ubersuggest.

Another easy solution to see how you are ranking is by using Fatrank.

All you have to do is head to your site, click on the Fatrank extension, and type in a keyword to see if you rank for it.

If you rank in the top 100, it will tell you the exact position.

If you don’t, it will let you know that you don’t rank in the top 100.

I use this as a spot check to make sure I am doing decently well after a major Google algorithm update.


There are a lot of options when it comes to SEO. You just have to find the ones that work well for you.

An easy place to start is with the extensions I mentioned above.

You don’t have to use all of them as it may be a bit overkill… but you can use any one of them or a combination to make sure your site is optimized.

What do you have to lose? Test them out as they are free.

What other Chrome extensions do you use on a regular basis?

The post 13 Amazing Free Chrome Extensions For SEO appeared first on Neil Patel.

13 Amazing Free Chrome Extensions For SEO
Publicado Primeiro em Neil Patel