terça-feira, 28 de julho de 2020

How To Use Events To Optimize Your Facebook And Google Ads Campaigns

Your website is bustling with activity. Visitors are constantly interacting with your website.

But are you taking full advantage of everything that’s happening on your website for your paid marketing? 

Every interaction of a visitor with your website – a pageview, a click – can be used to better understand your audience

And when you understand your audience better you can target them in a smarter way, and get more bang for your buck from your paid campaigns on Facebook and Google.

Both Facebook and Google refer to these user interactions as Events. They allow you to track them using a tracking code installed on your website.

What Are Events

Events are user interactions that don’t involve loading another page on your website.

In ecommerce, the prime example of an event is Add to Cart.

Another event can be filling out a field in a form. As opposed to form completion that usually triggers a Thank You page, filling out one or more fields without submission – referred to as ‘form abandonment’ – can be recorded as an event.

More examples of events are: watching a video, clicking on mailto email address link, downloading media (such as PDFs).

Why Events Are Important

Events are important because they indicate higher intent of your website visitors.

If a visitor watched a video on your website, it demonstrates an interest in your offering. 

Basically, any user interaction on your website can contribute to better understanding the user level of engagement with your brand, and the intent on moving down the funnel.

In ecommerce, even if a visitor did not complete a purchase, the abandoned cart shows a high purchase intent. Something has prevented the visitor from completing the purchase, but such a visitor is definitely worth your attention. 

By tracking events you’ll be able to make a more focused offer to this user in your paid campaigns.

How? By injecting the events tracking data into your paid campaigns and using this data for more precise targeting and optimized offering.

Think about it – if you can group together all the visitors who watched a certain video and set up a customized campaign for them that reference what they saw in the video, wouldn’t that make for a far more effective campaign than a generic awareness message?

It sure will.

So that’s exactly what we’ll go through in this article: how to use event tracking to get more out of your ad campaigns on Facebook and Google.

How to Set Up Events on Your Website

With both Facebook and Google, you’ll need to use code for setting up events on your website.

Yes, unfortunate but true.

Setting up events isn’t the most complex coding task, but since you are dealing with your website code any mistake can cause havoc. So this task needs to be handled by your development team.

Events Set Up Using Facebook Pixel

Standard events on Facebook include:

  • View content
  • Search
  • Add to cart
  • Add to wishlist
  • Initiate checkout
  • Add payment info
  • Make purchase
  • Lead
  • Complete registration

First you need to verify that you already have the Facebook Pixel code embedded in the header code of every page of your website, between the <head> and <head> tags. If you don’t, first go ahead and insert the base Pixel code.

Next, select the event that you wish to track for a specific page from Facebook’s list of events. Let’s say Add to Cart event, which looks like this: fbq(‘track’, ‘AddToCart’);

Paste the Add to Cart event code above the </script> tag.

Here’s how it should look:

Source: Facebook

  1. Your header code
  2. Your base Facebook Pixel code (the ID number is unique to every website)
  3. The specific event code

You’ll need to repeat this on every page you want to track an event or a few events, for each page inserting the relevant event code.

Here is the official Facebook guide for setting up events.

Events Set Up Using Google Analytics

For event tracking in Google Analytics you’ll need to create custom code snippets for every event.

The code is then added to the link code of the item or action you want to track so when the item is clicked it will be displayed as an event in Google Analytics.

The event code is made of four elements – two required elements and two optional elements:

  • Category (required) – defines a group of actions you want to track
  • Action (required) – the type of action you want to track
  • Label (optional) – for your monitoring convenience, stating what’s the event is about
  • Value (optional) – assigning a numeric value to the event; can be monetary value, or just a scale

The basic structure of an event code looks like this:

onclick=”ga(‘send’, ‘event’, ‘Category’, ‘Action’, ‘Label’, ‘Value’);”

The code should be added within the href link code, before the link text:

<a href=”www.examplewebsite.co.uk/pdf/company_brochure.pdf” onclick=”ga(‘send’, ‘event’, ‘PDF’, ‘Download’, ‘Company Brochure – PDF Download’);“>Download Our Brochure</a>

In the example above no Value was assigned to this event.

Here is the official Google Analytics guide for setting up events.

There Must Be a Better Way

All this event data needs to be injected into your paid campaigns in order to optimize them but before we get into that, let’s talk about the elephant in the room.


Dealing with code isn’t ideal for marketers. It’s just not our forte. 

It holds us back since constant optimization is one of the core principles of online marketing. 

And when you need your development team for every act of optimization, well, it’s not ideal.

So is there a better way to track events on your website? Apparently there is.

There’s a tool called Oribi that offers exactly that – no code event tracking. 

Oribi tracks every interaction on your website, page views and button clicks, automatically. It collects all this data and makes it all available to you. Even when you make changes to your website, like adding a page or changing buttons, events are updated dynamically. As said, all of this is done without any code business on your behalf. 

Here’s how event tracking looks in Oribi:

The value here is apparent. You don’t need to decide which events to track, and you don’t need your development team to track it for you. Everything is tracked for you. You just need to follow the data.

Using Event Data to Optimize Your Paid Campaigns

Now let’s see how to use all this event data, that you collected so diligently, to better segment and optimize your paid campaigns, and get more return on your ad spend.

There are two main objectives for tracking event data:

  1. Internal – being able to analyze how visitors are interacting with your website and from that optimizing the UX (user experience) on your website
  2. External – exporting the data to your paid campaigns to better segment them – group together audiences according to their place in the funnel and specific interests in order to deliver more relevant messages

Let’s look again at the Add to Cart event. As mentioned, adding an item to a cart shows a high purchase intent. These visitors, even if didn’t complete the purchase, declared their interest in your product.

They are ‘worth your efforts’ to continue and court them in the hope they will complete a purchase in the future.

But they are all different, and you can understand that based on the item, or items, they chose. 

If you could, for example, group together all those visitors who added a shirt and then group together those who added a pair of shoes – wouldn’t your paid campaigns for these two distinct groups be so much more valuable? 

Not to mention you could segment them to men and women.

You’ll be able to deliver a highly relevant message, or offering, in your ads.

This is just the tip of the iceberg as far as segmentation and optimization of your paid campaigns that can be achieved with event tracking.

Two Main Use Cases for Ad Campaign Optimization Based on Event Tracking

Both Facebook and Google offer very strong optimization capabilities for their ad campaigns.

There are two objectives for this:

  1. Ability to segment your audience in order to deliver a highly relevant message (the more segmented the audience is, the more relevant your message can be)
  2. Ability to reach new audiences that are also relevant to your offering

Let’s look at how these objectives are achieved through specific features in Facebook and Google ad campaigns.

Facebook’s Retargeting and Google’s Remarketing

The simplest way to explain the Retargeting / Remarketing feature is this:

When you visit a website a tracking cookie is installed on your browser – yes, that’s the famous cookies message you now see everywhere. After you leave the website you begin to see display ads of that website. This must be familiar to basically anyone.

This is the retargeting / remarketing feature. To show you ads of the website you visited on other websites.

The ads can be general, just a reminder of the brand. But they can be more than that. What if they related directly to the content you read on that website? Would that make a bigger impact? Of course it would.

Let’s say you browsed a vacation apartments website. You looked at apartments in Lisbon, but didn’t make a reservation. A couple of days later, while scrolling down your Facebook feed, you all of a sudden see an ad that says “Still thinking about Lisbon?” 

Now that’s powerful. It will stop your scrolling. It will make you think about Lisbon again. If you clicked the ad, it would take you back straight to the Lisbon section of that vacation apartments website.

So by tracking events – in this case browsing a specific page – you are able to deliver highly targeted, super relevant, and hopefully mighty engaging ads to audience that already demonstrated interest in your offering.

Facebook’s Lookalike Audience and Google’s Similar Audience

The simplest way to explain the Lookalike / Similar Audience feature is this:

Based on your audience attributes, Facebook and Google are able to target similar people and show them your ads.

Behind this simple explanation there is a highly complex algorithm able to locate people with similar interests, demographic, location and professional background.

Facebook and Google are able to do this thanks to the vast amounts of data they have on their users.

Let’s say you track a video as an event. The video is a top-of-the-funnel content that explains the benefits of using the app you are offering. Website visitors who watched the video are ‘recorded’.

You can define the visitors who watched the video as a specific ‘audience’ in Facebook or Google Analytics. 

Then, what the algorithm does is find similarities between the visitors who watched the video and based on these similarities it can show your ads to other people – people who never watched the video – but share the same similarities with your audience.

This is an incredible tool to expand your potential audience and reach people that are likely to be interested in your offering. In marketing jargon, we are talking about high-quality leads in order to get more value on your ad spend.

Connecting the Dots – Events, Audience, and Targeting

So, you might be thinking, this all sounds great. I’m very impressed with both Facebook and Google and how they can help me refine and optimize my ad campaigns – but how do I make all this happen?

You’re right to be asking. Making this ad magic happen requires a lot of setup, tying together the various elements we discussed here – events, audiences and targeting.

Let’s see how it’s done.

The first part of the chain are the events. We’ve already covered how to set them up, both on Facebook and Google Analytics. 

Remember – how you define an event is crucial for the success of the campaign, either retargeting / remarketing or lookalike / similar audience, you’ll run based on this event. 

Once you have the events set up, it’s time to connect them to your ad campaign. In this context, ‘connect’ means enabling Facebook / Google to use the data collected from the event tracking to optimize the ad campaign.

In Facebook

Let’s start with the easier of the two. 

Once you inserted the event tracking code to the various pages of your website, the events data is available for you on your Ads Manager. 

As opposed to Google where you need to first import the event data from Google Analytics to Google Ads (we’ll get to how to do it in a sec) in Facebook this import action is taken care for you.

Still, you’ll need to locate this data. Here’s how:

  • Log in to Ads Manager and click the Pixels tab
  • On the left, choose Data sources, it will take you to your pixel
  • Now you’ll see a general breakdown of your events
  • Events received is the total number of events recorded by the pixel
  • Top events lists the highest performing events
  • Activity shows number of events recorded per day for the past week
  • Click on the Details button

Here you can see the actual breakdown of events, by volume and date. You can segment the visitors based on their actions, as we discussed before, or use the different segmentation for Lookalike audience creation.

Since you are already in Facebook Ads Manager, all the information is available for campaign targeting and optimization.

In Google

It’s a two-step process. First you need to define the events in Google Analytics, and then import them into Google Ads.

  1. Define the event in Google Analytics
  • In your Analytics account, click the Admin tab in the bottom left corner
  • Next, click the Goals tab
  • Select “+New Goal”
  • Choose the “Custom” option
  • Name your goal
  • Select “Event” option

Now you’ll need to refer to the four elements you defined in the event code you had inserted for the specific event. This: onclick=”ga(‘send’, ‘event’, ‘Category’, ‘Action’, ‘Label’, ‘Value’);”

The Goal you’re creating will have a specific box for each value. It looks like this:

The text you are entering here must be identical to the text in the code. If it won’t, the event won’t be recorded.

You’ll need to repeat the process above with every event you’re tracking.

  1. Import the event into Google Ads
  • In your Google Ads account, click the Tools tab at the top navigation bar
  • Select “Conversions” from the dropdown menu
  • On the left side of the page, click “Google Analytics”
  • You’ll see a list of all the goals you defined in Analytics
  • Select the ones you want to import
  • Click “Import”

And… you’re done. 

Yes, the events you track on your website are finally ‘available’ for segmenting your remarketing campaigns and creating similar audiences.

It was a long way to get here, but it is sure worth it.

One more thing though.

Remember way, way back at the beginning of the article when I mentioned Oribi, that tracks all the events on your website automatically without you needing to touch any code?

Well, they also import all these events, to both Facebook Ads Manager and Google Ads, in the same automated, no code way. 


Event tracking provides you with valuable data on your website visitors, such as level of intent, specific interests and place in funnel.

Such valuable data must be collected, since it helps you better understand your audience.

We could have stopped here, as the above present enough value on its own. But there’s more.

This valuable data can also utilized for the optimization of your paid ad campaigns on Facebook and Google.

You can, and should, use event data to deliver highly relevant and effective retargeting / remarketing ads to segmented audiences who have already visited your website.

You should also use event data as the base for creating lookalike / similar audiences for ad campaigns targeting potential audiences who have not yet visited your website. 

By optimizing your paid ad campaigns with event data you’ll be able to better engage users, increase your conversion rate and get more of your ad spend, meaning, you’ll pay less for more clicks.

With all this reasoning, there can be only one conclusion, right?

Right. So go ahead, make my event.

The post How To Use Events To Optimize Your Facebook And Google Ads Campaigns appeared first on Neil Patel.

How To Use Events To Optimize Your Facebook And Google Ads Campaigns
Publicado Primeiro em Neil Patel

How to Find Your Target Audience

Target Audience

When I first started out in marketing, I thought traffic was everything.

I wanted to be as big as companies like HubSpot. Just look at the image above and you’ll see how many visitors they are getting.

They generate 29.61 million visitors a month from 11.74 million people. And those visitors produce roughly 10 billion dollars of market cap.

Now, let’s look at NeilPatel.com. Can you guess how many visitors I’m getting each month?

I’m generating roughly 8.717 million visitors a month from 3.616 million people.

When you look at it from a unique visitor perspective, HubSpot is getting 3.24 times more unique visitors than me.

So, in theory, I should be worth roughly 3 times less than them, right? Well, technically I’m not even worth 1/10th of them. Not even close.

Why is that? It’s because I didn’t go after the right target audience, while HubSpot did.

And today, I want you to avoid making this massive mistake that I made. Because marketing is tough, so why would you start off by going after the wrong people?

It will just cause you to waste years and tons of money like it did with me.

Defining your target audience is the first and most essential step towards success for any company or business, especially if you are just getting started.

So before we dive into things, let me first break down what you are about to learn in this article:

  • What is a Target Audience?
  • The Difference Between Target Audience and Persona
  • The Importance of Selecting Your Target Audience Correctly
  • How to Define your Target Audience: 6 Questions to Help You
  • Creating Customized Content for Your Audience

Let’s get started!

What is a target audience?

A target audience is a share of consumers that companies or businesses direct their marketing actions to drive awareness of their products or services.

I know that is a tongue twister, so let me simplify it a bit more…

The intention here is to target a market with whom you will communicate with. A group of people with the same level of education, goals, interests, problems, etc. that will need the product or service you are selling.

Basically, you want to target people who will buy your stuff.

If you target people who don’t want to buy your stuff, you might get more traffic to your site… but it won’t do much for you. And you’ll be pulling out your hair trying to figure out why none of your visitors are buying from you.

Now before we dive into the details on finding your target audience, let’s first go over “personas” because many people confuse them with a target audience and if you do, you’ll just end up wasting time.

The difference between a target audience and a persona

You already know the definition, so I won’t bore you with that again.

The most commonly used data to define the target audience of a company are:

  • Age
  • Gender
  • Education background
  • Purchasing power
  • Social class
  • Location
  • Consumption habits

Examples of a target audience: Women, 20-30 years old, living in Los Angeles, with a bachelor’s degree, monthly income of $4,000 – $6,000, and passionate about fashion and decor.

If you start a company without knowing your exact target audience, you could end up like me instead of HubSpot… we wouldn’t want that now. 😉

And here is another example. Let’s say you have a business that sells educational toys. So your target audience might be children, mothers, education specialists, or teachers.

Or you have a motorcycle business. Your audience will definitely not be people younger than 18, right?

There is no point in trying to reach everyone in order to increase your chances of sales and profit. It will actually cost you more and decrease your profit margins in the long run.

Now let’s go over “personas”…


In marketing, personas are profiles of buyers that would be your ideal customers.

Personas are fictional characters with characteristics of your real customers. They’re developed based on target audience research and may help you direct your marketing actions better.

A persona is a person that may be interested in what you have to offer since they’re very connected to your brand and you must make an effort to make them a client and retain them.

A persona involves much deeper and more detailed research than the target audience since it includes:

  • Personal characteristics
  • Purchasing power
  • Lifestyle
  • Interests
  • Engagement in social networks
  • Professional information

Persona example: Mariana, 22, blogger. Lives in Miami, Florida. Has a journalism degree. Has a blog and posts makeup tutorials and tips about fashion and decor. She always follows fashion events in the area and participates in meetings with other people in the fashion niche. As a digital influencer, she cares a lot about what people see on her social network profiles. Likes to practice indoor activities and go to the gym in her free time.

If I had to define the main difference between persona and target audience, I’d say that the target audience considers the whole, in a more general way, while the persona has a more specific form.

And if you want help creating personas for business, check out this article about creating the perfect persona. But for now, let’s focus on finding your right target audience.

The importance of choosing your target audience correctly

The big mistake I made was that I didn’t figure out my target audience when I first started. I just created content and started marketing to anyone who wanted traffic.

But that is a bit too vague because not everyone wants more traffic is a good fit for my ad agency.

They could just want to be famous on Instagram or YouTube, which is a lot of people, but that doesn’t help me generate more income.

Funny enough, there are more people who are interested in getting Instagram followers than people who want to learn about SEO.

But once you know your target audience, it’s easier to find and perform keyword research. For example, I know that I shouldn’t waste too much time writing articles about Instagram or Twitch even though the search volume is high.

It will just cause me to get irrelevant traffic and waste my time/money.

And that’s the key… especially when it comes to things like SEO or paid ads. The moment you know your target audience, you can perform keyword research correctly and find opportunities that don’t just drive traffic, but more importantly, drive revenue.

Now let’s figure out your target audience.

How to define your target audience: 6 questions to help you

Figuring out your target audience isn’t rocket science. It just comes down to a few simple questions.

6 actually, to be exact.

Go through each of the questions below and you’ll know the exact audience you are targeting.

1. Who are they?

When thinking about who might be your target audience, you must consider who are the people who identify with your brand.

One way to find out is to monitor who follows, likes, shares, and comments on your posts on social sites like Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, and Instagram.

If someone is willing to engage with you, then chances are they are your target.

But in many cases, your ideal audience may not always be on the social web. They might be inactive on social media but buy from your company frequently or sign up for your services.

Even those who bought from you only once must be considered a part of your target audience, as someone who bought once might buy again.

There is no point in making a great effort to sell if you don’t make a similar effort to keep the customers you have already gained.

Customers like to feel special, and that is why the post-sales process is so important. Your relationship with the customer must remain even after the purchase is completed.

2. What are their greatest difficulties, problems, or desires?

What is cool, interesting, and good for you might not be for the customer.

You can’t think only of yourself when it’s time to define the difficulties, problems, and desires of your target audience. You must put yourself in their shoes.

Don’t make offers based on what you think. Make them according to research grounded in data, previous experiences, and analysis of your potential customers’ behavior.

Understand the greatest difficulties your audience faces to try to help solve them.

3. Where do they find the information they need daily?

Everyone needs information.

Every day you are surrounded by tons of information on the channels that you follow, but when you need it the most, where do you go to find that information?

Identify the communication channels most appropriate to your target audience and try to talk to them using a specific language from their universe.

For example, I know my target audience will either read marketing blogs or spend a lot of time on social sites like YouTube and LinkedIn consuming information.

4. What is the benefit of your product?

Everyone wants solutions for their problems and to make their lives easier. This is a collective desire and it’s no different for your target audience.

Think a little about your product and the problem of your target audience. What benefits does your product or service offer? What can it do to solve those problems? What is the main value offer?

With so much competition, you must try to find your competitive advantage in your niche and always try to improve your product, offering something extra that others do not.

5. What draws their attention negatively?

Being optimistic helps a lot, but thinking about the negatives can also help, especially when we talk about target audiences.

Better than considering what your audience wants, you can consider what it definitely doesn’t want, what it considers negative, and what it avoids.

With this powerful information in hand, you may have more chances to captivate your potential customers.

Avoiding what they consider negative is the first step to gain their approval. After that, you only need to apply other strategies to do efficient marketing.

6. Who do they trust?

Trust is everything to your target audience. No one purchases a product or service from a company they don’t know or trust.

This is why reviews on Amazon are read and so important for sellers. They know it builds trust… it’s also helped Amazon become a trillion-dollar company.

Even though this is the last question to define target audiences, it is one of the most important ones.

This is why the reputation of your company is so important. Taking care of the relationship with your customers is essential as they will spread information about your brand on the internet and to their friends and family.

If you get good reviews, have positive comments, and garner a great reputation, this will be the base for potential customers to feel motivated to buy from you.

Creating customized content for your audience

Now that you know your audience, let’s get to the fun stuff. Let’s create content for them.

Everyone creates content, right? Just look at Google if you don’t believe me.

You just have to put a keyword on Google and you will see thousands if not millions of results for each keyword.

When you research “best earbuds” on Google, this is what you see:

Content Customized for your Audience 1

First, there are options of products from Google Shopping, with ads and prices for different earphones for various audiences, needs, and tastes.

Next, there is a list of sites and blogs with information about different types of earphones and comparisons:

Content Customized for your Audience 2

There is no shortage of content about this subject or any other that you can search for. Anyone can create and publish text with no barriers.

The question is how you can make this content more personalized and attractive for your consumer.

Everyone produces content. Millions of publications are posted every day.

The secret though is to create content that targets your ideal customer and no one else. Generic content may produce more traffic, but it will also produce fewer sales.

To find what your target audience is searching for, you can use Ubersuggest. Just type in a keyword related to your audience.

target audience ubersuggest 1

From there, on the left-hand navigation, click on “keyword ideas.” You’ll then be taken to a report that looks like the one below.

Content Customized for your Audience 2

You now have topics to choose from. Not all of them will be a good fit but some will.

I recommend that you go after the long-tail terms, such as “best earbuds for running” (assuming your target audience is active). The more generic terms like “best earbuds” will drive traffic and a few sales, but it won’t convert as well as more specific terms.

The same goes if you are doing keyword research for the service industry or even the B2B space.

Types of content to create

Once you have a list of keywords you want to target, you might be confused as to what type of content you should be creating.

You’ll want to create content based on your funnel. In essence, you want to cover each step of the funnel.

target audience sales funnel

The top of the funnel involves content created for visitors and leads, that is, people that might access your site, blog, or social networks by chance.

When thinking about the top of the funnel, the idea is to create materials with more general subjects, with clear and easily accessible language.

It could be educational content, including clarifications or curiosities about your product or service or something somehow related to your industry.

The middle of the funnel is when the conversions happen. In other words, in this stage, the person who has a problem and the intention to solve it considers the purchase of your product or service.

It’s the middle of the road, but it is not the sale itself, because it’s still only about ideas. It’s in the middle of the funnel that you get closer to your target audience and generate more identification.

Next: bottom of the funnel content. This content focuses more on your product or service.

Here you can introduce details about functions, benefits, and other direct information about your product or service.

It is far more likely to convert here as this particular audience has practically decided to buy already and you are only going to give them a final push.


I’m hoping this article saves you from making the big mistake I made.

But knowing your target audience isn’t enough, though. It doesn’t guarantee success. You still need to create and market your content. That’s why I covered keyword research in this article as well.

Once you create content, you may also want to check out these guides as they will help you attract the right people to your site:

So have you figured out your target audience yet?

The post How to Find Your Target Audience appeared first on Neil Patel.

How to Find Your Target Audience
Publicado Primeiro em Neil Patel

sexta-feira, 24 de julho de 2020

Hello world!

Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start writing!

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terça-feira, 21 de julho de 2020

Ubersuggest Chrome Extension 2.0: The Ultimate Keyword Research Tool

Please note: Once you install the extension, all you have to do is go to Google and perform a search. That is where you’ll see data.

I promised that I would release a new version of the Ubersuggest Chrome Extension today, and now it’s out.

You can go here to install it.

If you are wondering what’s new… well, let’s just say the changes have made keyword research much better and a lot easier. And on top of that, later in this post, I’ll even give you a sneak peek at the new changes that we are making to the extension that will be released within 30 days.

So, what’s new?

Who says keyword research should be limited to Google?

What most people don’t know is that YouTube is the second most popular search engine and has been exploding.

On top of that, Amazon is the largest e-commerce site in the world and SEOs are doing Amazon SEO and Amazon ads… so why not have access to keyword research there, too?

Now, when you go to YouTube and perform a search you’ll see data on suggested keywords as you perform a search.

And if you want more details on any given keyword you searched for, just click “view all” next to the search bar and you’ll see something like this:

It breaks down search volume over the last 12 months as well as shows you if a keyword has any seasonal trends.

You can also see how competitive a keyword is to rank for, its cost per click data, how many people even click on any of the listings, and even the age range of the people who search for that term.

Also, what’s interesting is that you can see data on whether a keyword is searched more on mobile or desktop devices and the breakdown. This is important because mobile searches tend to not convert as well… so ideally you want to go after keywords that have more desktop searches when possible.

Now on the right side of any YouTube search listings page, you will also see more keyword suggestions.

It’s pretty similar to what the extension already shows on Google… this is more so our version for YouTube.

But with Amazon, we didn’t want to impact your user experience too much, so we decided to provide keyword data in the most unobtrusive way possible…

Anytime you perform a search on Amazon, you’ll see keyword data on the suggestions.

So now anytime you want to do keyword research for social media or e-commerce, you can easily do so with the Ubersuggest Chrome extension.

But wait, there is more…

There is also one other important change made to the extension that you may have already noticed if you use Google on a regular basis.

When you search on Google, there is now traffic estimations under each URL.

This traffic estimation is for organic search traffic and it is done on a domain level. Eventually, we will tweak it to be page-based and even show you the other keywords each page ranks for… but for now, we are providing you with organic traffic estimates for each domain.

And if you are more of a visual person, in the right-hand sidebar you can also see the traffic estimation for any result in the top 10.

So if you want to know traffic data in addition to keyword suggestions when you perform a Google search, make sure you install the Ubersuggest Chrome Extension.

But the best is still to come…

My goal is to make major releases to Ubersuggest every month if possible… every other month if all doesn’t go as planned.

The next big one is introducing competitor analysis features within the extension.

Right now if you click on the “Ubersuggest” logo within your Chrome browser you see something like this:

Now, that’s not really useful.

So, within the next 30 days when you click on the “Ubersuggest” logo within Chrome, I am thinking of showing something like this:

For any domain you’ll be able to see the following metrics:

  1. Domain metrics – you’ll see a quick overview of each domain. From the number of organic keywords a site ranks for to their estimated organic traffic, domain score, and even number of backlinks.
  2. Historical traffic – you’ll see an organic traffic chart of the last 6 months to any given site.
  3. Top pages by country – want to know the most popular pages on your competitor’s site? This table will show you just that.
  4. Top keywords by country – you’ll also be able to see the most popular keywords that drive traffic to that site.


If you already have the Ubersuggest Chrome extension installed, you may need to reinstall it because we now show you data on YouTube and Amazon. That means you’ll have to grant Ubersuggest permission to show you data on those two sites.

If you don’t have the extension installed, you can do so by going here.

Let me know what you think about the new extension, the upcoming releases, and if you want me to add any other features. 🙂

The post Ubersuggest Chrome Extension 2.0: The Ultimate Keyword Research Tool appeared first on Neil Patel.

Ubersuggest Chrome Extension 2.0: The Ultimate Keyword Research Tool
Publicado Primeiro em Neil Patel

terça-feira, 14 de julho de 2020

The Fastest (and Cheapest) Way to Beat Your Competition

If you want to outrank your competition, what do you do?

First off, you need to keep track of everything they are doing. From their rankings to the content they are writing to even the links they are building and the keywords they are targeting, understanding what they are up to is key.

And after you figure out their strategy, you need to write more content, build more links, and optimize your site. Or you can hire an SEO agency, but most of us can’t afford that.

There must be a better way, right?

Well, over the next 60 days, I am going to make life easier for you with a major upgrade to Ubersuggest.

Here’s what I am thinking of doing, which would make it easier for you to outrank your competition.

Competitor analysis

First off, I’ve learned that many people don’t know who their competition really is when it comes to SEO.

Because of that, I’m going to create a competitor analysis report that shows you your competition.

Here’s a rough sketch of what that will look like:

You’ll be able to see who your competitors are based on common keywords you both rank for.

You’ll also be able to see how your rankings compare to theirs over time as well as their SEO traffic, backlinks, domain scores, and, best of all, keyword opportunities (or keyword gap).

What the keyword opportunities will break down is all of the keywords your competition ranks for that you don’t.

This way, you’ll be able to dive in and see everyone one of the keywords they are targeting, but the ones you aren’t.

Again, the key to the report above (although the design needs to be tweaked) is that it will show you all of the keywords your competition ranks for that you aren’t targeting or ranking for… yet. The ones at the top will be the most lucrative keywords and the ones at the bottom will be the least lucrative.

Competitor rank tracking

On top of showing you new keyword opportunities without you having to do any work or searching, we are also going to start tracking your competition’s rankings for you. 😉

So, in your rank tracking dashboard, you’ll see your rankings as well as your competitor’s rankings.

Currently, we show you if your rankings are going up or down each day (if you aren’t tracking this, go and set up a project).

We’ll be modifying that report to also show your competitors’ rankings… still working on the design.

That way if things are going bad for you, you can see if you were the only one who got affected or if your competition did as well.

But there is more

I know 60 days is a long time to wait, but I am also releasing something in the next week to also make your life easier when it comes to competitor analysis.

I will be releasing version 2.0 of the Ubersuggest Chrome Extension. If you already haven’t installed it, go here and do so, it’s free.

Currently, you get data whenever you do a search. But it doesn’t provide enough data, especially on your competition, so I’m about to go and fix that.

First off, you’ll get data on traffic. Not only on your site, but your competition as well.

So, whenever you perform a search, you will quickly be able to see how much SEO traffic any given domain gets.

And if you want more details, on the right-hand side of the Google search results you will see a graph containing an overview of how your competition stacks up against you.

You’ll also have a similar overview with backlink data.

And of course, I’m not stopping there.

The most popular e-commerce site on the web is Amazon. So, wouldn’t it be great to get data on keywords on Amazon?

Anytime you perform a search on Amazon, you’ll see data on all of the suggested keywords that they are providing you.

And then when you head to the second most popular search engine, YouTube, I’ll give you keyword data and competition data.

For example, whenever you search for a keyword, you’ll see data on all of the suggestions.

And if you click the “view all” button, you’ll see historical data on that keyword as well.

On a YouTube search listings page, you’ll start to get recommendations on other keywords that you could be targeting with your YouTube SEO.

And if you click on a video (even a competitor’s video!) you’ll start to see more data on their performance as well as keywords that they are targeting.

So, if you haven’t already, make sure you go and install the Chrome extension before the release next week.


I hope you are looking forward to the new release to Ubersuggest in the upcoming months.

I am really excited about the competitive analysis features within the application because it should make it a lot easier to see which keywords your competition ranks for that you don’t.

On top of that the extension is making a lot of progress. My goal is to release a new version of the extension each month with new features that will make SEO easier and more convenient for you. 🙂

So, what do you think of the changes?

The post The Fastest (and Cheapest) Way to Beat Your Competition appeared first on Neil Patel.

The Fastest (and Cheapest) Way to Beat Your Competition
Publicado Primeiro em Neil Patel

segunda-feira, 13 de julho de 2020


Apostar na criação de sites? A ferramenta mais importante que uma empresa B2B pode ter na era digital moderna é o site. Um site permite que as empresas instruam e aconselhem os visitantes sobre tópicos específicos, anunciam produtos e serviços, se envolvam com as partes interessadas fora do horário normal de trabalho e ajudam os visitantes a entender o que eles fazem.

No passado, o desenvolvimento de sites costumava ser um assunto caro e com muitos recursos; somente as maiores e mais bem-sucedidas empresas de negócios tinham tempo e dinheiro para construir um site grande. Atualmente, no entanto, o desenvolvimento de sites é muito mais barato e muito mais acessível, graças à Vile Tecnologia.

Mas, apesar do desenvolvimento de sites ser mais fácil e mais acessível, para algumas empresas, PME e start-ups, especialmente, o desenvolvimento de um novo site de alta qualidade ainda é muito caro. Hoje, todas as empresas compreendem a importância de ter um site de várias páginas de alta qualidade – afinal, é cada vez mais o primeiro ponto de contato com clientes em potencial – mas nem toda empresa pode se dar ao luxo de criar ou investir em um site grande de uma só vez.

Em vez disso, essas empresas optam por construir um site simples de uma página nesse meio tempo e lançar todas as informações de produtos / serviços nele, acreditando equivocadamente que esse site simples de uma página permitirá gerar leads.

No mundo moderno digital, você deve investir em seu site. Por que?


O fato é que é importante apreciar o fato de que os clientes em potencial de B2B estão procurando a solução certa para um problema de negócios muito específico; e, para encontrar a solução para esse problema, eles investigarão minuciosamente o site de uma empresa – lendo blogs, eBooks, white papers, estudos de caso, páginas de produtos e outros ativos – para entender o que a empresa faz e se essa empresa tem ou não o interesse.

Se o site de uma empresa for apenas uma página estática, sem profundidade de conteúdo para mostrar a experiência e o entendimento da empresa sobre o problema de negócios do visitante do site (normalmente alcançado por meio de um blog), eles clicam rapidamente no site e procuram em outro lugar.

Para realmente se envolver com os visitantes do site e manter seu interesse, a criação dos sites B2B devem servir como uma empresa de mídia que contém todas as informações que as partes interessadas precisam; eles devem fornecer tudo o que precisam para tomar uma decisão de compra informada; eles devem incluir conteúdo de alta qualidade que forneça aos visitantes do site respostas para suas perguntas mais importantes; e devem incluir outras maneiras de os visitantes do site se envolverem com a empresa.

Ter todas as informações acima em um site de uma página não é apenas impraticável, mas também insustentável. Imagine quanto tempo os visitantes do site precisariam percorrer para encontrar as informações que procuravam?


Você pode começar com um site simples do tipo brochura de uma página, mas à medida que sua empresa cresce, você precisará de um site capaz de suportar suas atividades comerciais futuras – e isso significa mais conteúdo e mais páginas da web.

Você deve aceitar o fato de que seu site não é para você – é para seus clientes e clientes em potencial. Seu site tem como objetivo envolver, educar e incentivar ações.

Com isso em consideração, a criação de um site com várias páginas não apenas permitirá que você produza mais conteúdo para responder às perguntas que seus possíveis clientes em potencial fazem, mas também o ajudará a movê-los pelo ciclo de vendas (usando CTAs e páginas de destino) e aumente a quantidade de tráfego direcionado direcionado ao seu site à medida que você otimiza novas páginas para termos específicos de palavras-chave.

Além disso, investindo no seu site e estruturando-o de acordo (em vez de ter todas as informações em uma página). Os visitantes do site poderão encontrar facilmente o que precisam e concluir ações específicas no site.


À medida que você expande seus negócios com o tempo, investe no seu site e expande-o. Seu site inclui suas novas ofertas de serviços e produtos, ajudando a apoiar sua atividade de vendas. Eventualmente, você chega a um ponto em que pode integrar ferramentas avançadas. Como automação de marketing, para aprimorar ainda mais seu site e personalizar a experiência dos visitantes. Tudo isso é impossível com um site estático de uma página!

Pode parecer estranho, mas… não construa todo o site de uma só vez. Muitas empresas, depois de perceberem que precisam de mais do que apenas um site estático de uma página, entram no desenvolvimento do site, tentando criar um site de várias páginas para seus negócios o mais rápido possível.

Para fazer as coisas de forma correta, aposte na Vile Tecnologia. Esta empresa irá cuidar de todo plano de criação do seu site, bem como o marketing necessário para fazê-lo crescer!

A Vile Tecnologia integra ferramentas mais avançadas na criação do seu site, como automação de marketing. Em seu site, fazendo com que você possa usar coisas como chatbots. Fluxos de trabalho e pontuação de leads para ajudar a aumentar a geração e o envolvimento de leads em seu site.

Esta empresa cria planos de marketing que podem ajudar a direcionar os visitantes do site para partes relevantes do conteúdo. E fornecer respostas personalizadas para ajudá-los; os fluxos de trabalho podem automatizar sua qualificação de líder e mover as perspectivas pelo ciclo de vendas usando interações oportunas.

Por fim, a Vile Tecnologia pode ajudar você a entender quais leads estão prontos para serem contratados. Então, está pronto para fazer seu site ou blog crescer? Aposte na Vile Tecnologia.


Apareceu Primeiro em: ADRS MARKETING https://ift.tt/3eqEfUc

quinta-feira, 9 de julho de 2020


De acordo com o relatório de 2020 do Marketing de Conteúdo B2B, 48% dos profissionais de marketing desejam se concentrar em melhorar a qualidade e a conversão de seu público. Para fazer isso, 39% aumentarão os gastos na criação de conteúdo B2B. Mas produzir o máximo de conteúdo humanamente possível ajudará a atingir esse objetivo? Não necessariamente.

Produzir X quantidade de postagens por mês pode satisfazer suas metas no papel, mas geralmente faz com que você priorize a realização do trabalho em detrimento do bom trabalho. Quando a quantidade supera a qualidade, todos perdem. Sua equipe trabalha muito com o conteúdo que não funciona, e as pessoas com quem você está tentando se conectar não obtêm o conteúdo que merecem.  

Se você deseja que seu conteúdo seja realmente bem-sucedido, precisa se concentrar em dar às pessoas o que elas precisam. Tradução: concentre-se em fornecer valor.

Um bom conteúdo B2B é uma narrativa que desperta o interesse das pessoas e as atrai. Fornece insights, inspiração ou ideias interessantes, oferece algo significativo. Obviamente, apresentar esses tipos de ideias de conteúdo pode ser um desafio, especialmente quando você se sente atraído de forma criativa.

Felizmente, podemos remediar isso. Por fim, as pessoas não se importam que você esteja fazendo marketing. Elas se importam que você esteja pensando neles. Para criar conteúdo de qualidade que ressoe, você precisa de ideias que colocam as pessoas em primeiro lugar. Se você está tendo problemas para fazer um brainstorming, aqui estão maneiras de encontrar boas ideias e impulsionar sua criatividade.


Um dos maiores desafios que os profissionais de marketing B2B enfrentam é se destacar por meio do conteúdo. Mas muitas vezes escrevem sobre as mesmas coisas ou imitam os líderes da indústria e simplesmente aumentam o ruído. Uma maneira inteligente de remediar isso é preencher as lacunas de mensagens em torno de um assunto, adotar um ângulo único ou introduzir uma ideia que outros ignoraram.

Você ainda pode buscar inspiração nos líderes, mas procure as entrelinhas. Leia o que os outros estão escrevendo em seu espaço e pense em maneiras de preencher a narrativa com diferentes ângulos. Leia também os comentários para ver o que as pessoas estão pensando ou se perguntando. Suas perguntas podem inspirar uma grande parte do conteúdo B2B.

Você também deve procurar por falhas de mensagens no conteúdo B2B existente.


Os profissionais de marketing geralmente se concentram em gerar cada vez mais conteúdo, acompanhando as novidades, as tendências e o que os outros estão fazendo. Essa abordagem significa que você está efetivamente criando conteúdo apenas para acompanhar os populares. Mas, como discutimos, o conteúdo sem qualidade não é eficaz.

Audite seu conteúdo existente. Identifique quais postagens ou artigos foram mais bem-sucedidos e pergunte-se como você pode torná-los melhores. Adicione informações adicionais aos seus artigos com melhor desempenho, crie partes maiores de conteúdo B2B (por exemplo, transforme uma postagem em um e-book) ou produza sequências. Essa é uma maneira inteligente de impulsionar o SEO em blogs antigos populares – e uma ótima estratégia de baixo risco para envolver os leitores enquanto capitaliza em sucessos anteriores. Você também pode redirecionar o conteúdo existente, dividindo-o em partes menores (por exemplo, infográficos, mini-guias ou microconteúdo).


O maior erro que você pode cometer em um brainstorming é perguntar: “Sobre o que queremos escrever?” Isso é míope, pois não considera as pessoas que consumirão seu conteúdo. Além disso, não basta pensar no que as pessoas querem. Para agregar valor real, você deve pensar no que as pessoas precisam.

Para agregar valor real, você deve pensar no que as pessoas precisam.  A maneira mais simples de saber o que as pessoas precisam é ir direto à fonte. Pergunte diretamente ou pense nas perguntas que eles estão fazendo para você (e seus concorrentes). Verifique os comentários em seu blog, os blogs de seus concorrentes ou publicações do setor para descobrir essas perguntas e converse com sua equipe de vendas.

Para envolver as pessoas diretamente, faça perguntas por e-mail, chamadas, conferências, pesquisas e reuniões. Armazene essas informações para garantir que sua equipe tenha as informações mais recentes. Esses tipos de conversas são inestimáveis ​​para ajudá-lo a gerar ótimos tópicos para todos os ângulos.

Se você ainda não o fez, crie personas de marketing para entender melhor os diferentes tipos de pessoas para quem você está criando conteúdo. Personas são uma ferramenta especialmente útil para avaliar suas ideias daqui para frente. Você também pode se inspirar nesses ótimos exemplos de marketing de conteúdo empático.


Isso não significa que você deva se gabar de como você é ótimo ou de quantos prêmios ganhou; significa que as ideias e descobertas que ajudaram você também podem ajudar outras pessoas. Você implementou uma nova estratégia para um sucesso impressionante? Você aprendeu um truque útil, solução alternativa ou dica que tornou sua vida muito mais fácil? Esse tipo de conhecimento é tremendamente valioso para os outros.

Pense em seus sucessos recentes e considere como você pode convertê-los em conteúdo útil, como guias, listas de verificação, estudos de caso ou modelos. Apenas certifique-se de enquadrar as coisas de maneira construtiva. Nessa nota, observe o seu tom; você quer ser sincero e compreensível – não condescendente.


É natural querer focar nos seus sucessos mais do que fracassos. O fracasso é humilhante, mas faz parte do que nos torna humanos. Por esse motivo, o fracasso pode ser incrivelmente valioso se ensinar alguma coisa. Como Nelson Mandela disse: “Eu nunca perco. Eu ganho ou aprendo.”

Pense nos principais desafios que você enfrentou e como os enfrentou, ou o que aprendeu ao assumir um risco que não deu resultado do jeito que você queria. Você não precisa se espetar publicamente. Apenas se concentre nas sugestões significativas que a experiência deu a você.

Por fim, um dos maiores mandamentos de marketing de conteúdo deve ser “Respeite o tempo dos seus leitores”.

Entretanto, somos pessoas ocupadas vivendo em um mundo ocupado, e a última coisa que alguém precisa é de uma marca que crie mais barulho. Em vez disso, pense em como você pode fornecer informações em um pacote sucinto, simplificar uma ideia complexa ou facilitar as coisas para elas. Este é um serviço valioso por si só.


Apareceu Primeiro em: ADRS MARKETING https://ift.tt/2ZSNZBn

terça-feira, 7 de julho de 2020

SEO Pack: 21 Worksheets, Templates, and Cheat Sheets

SEO is tough.

It’s time-consuming and hard to implement.

And, because of that, I have a free SEO training course and even an SEO tool to help you out.

But what if you don’t have the time to go through a 21-part training series? Or what if my SEO tool doesn’t give you the step-by-step instructions you need?

What other options do you have?

Well, today I thought I would make your life easier by sharing 21 of my own SEO and content marketing worksheets and templates to help you get higher rankings in less time and, best of all, with less effort.

Marketing definitions

Let’s start off with the basics.

In marketing, we all use terms that might be a bit confusing.

Sure, you probably know what SEO is and what it means, but what about terms like CPC?

Or more complicated ones like CAC, BANT, LTV, or even NPS.

I’ve created marketing acronyms glossary that breaks down what each marketing acronym stands for and what it means.

So, when you are reading any marketing blog or book, you’ll now know what these “unusual” acronyms and words mean.

Local SEO

If you want to rank for local-based terms, it’s not just about optimizing for keywords. There’s much more to local SEO and a lot of it has to do with your landing page.

Here’s a template that breaks down the anatomy of an optimized local landing page.

What’s cool about this template is that it breaks down the percentage of impact each element will have when it comes to your SEO.

Keyword research

The easiest way to find keywords is to use tools like Ubersuggest.

Just type in a keyword…

You’ll see a report that looks like this…

Then click on “Keyword Ideas” in the left-hand navigation.

But as you go through the list of thousands of thousands of keywords, how do you know which ones are valuable?

Sure, in general, if a keyword has a high “volume” it means it is searched a lot, which is good. And if it has a high “CPC” it means that advertisers are willing to spend a lot to advertise on that keyword, which again is good because it typically means that the keyword drives qualified traffic that causes purchases.

And if a keyword has a low SD (SEO difficulty) that’s great as well because it means the keyword is easier to rank for.

When looking for keywords, ideally you want ones that meet all 3 of those requirements.

But just because a keyword doesn’t meet all of those 3 requirements doesn’t mean that it isn’t good for you and your strategy.

There’s actually a lot of hidden gems out there that don’t meet all of those requirements because marketers don’t know they are lucrative.

So to help you find the best ones, I’ve created a 220 profitable keyword cheat sheet. It breaks down keywords that have buyer intent for all industries.

Now, I want you to go back to Ubersuggest to perform a keyword search and look for keywords that contain some of the phrases within my profitable keyword cheat sheet. Those are keywords you’ll want to target.

Seriously, just spend 5 to 10 minutes hunting for keywords. Perform at least 10 searches and you’ll find some gold.

As you are doing the keyword research, you’ll find that it may be difficult to remember and keep track of all the amazing keywords you are finding, which leads me to the Ubersuggest keyword planner spreadsheet.

You can use it to keep track of the keywords you want to focus on first, second, third…

Trust me, it will make your life simpler.

SEO factors

There are over 200 factors in Google’s algorithm.

But let’s face it, you aren’t going to optimize for each of them because it takes too much time.

And even if you have the time, where do you start, and which ones do you fix first?

Well, an easy solution is to go here and put in your URL.

You’ll end up with a report that looks like this…

And if you click on any of the error boxes, it will break down what to fix in order.

You can then click through and get details for each SEO error.

And although I highly recommend that you fix your errors in the above report (it’s a great way to boost your rankings), you don’t want to just keep playing defense.

You want to start playing offense with your marketing and make sure that you are doing things right as you release new pages or make changes to your website.

So I’ve created an SEO factors cheat sheet that breaks down important factors that you need to think about when creating new pages on your site.

It’s great to pass along to your team members and your content writers as well (and even your developers!) so you can make sure that everyone is on the same page.

And don’t worry, it doesn’t break down all 200 factors as that would be too overwhelming… it focuses on the important ones that you need to get right from day 1.

But if your team does want something more detailed, I’ve also created a thorough SEO checklist that is 20 pages long.

Anytime my team is doing major changes like a redesign or change our site structure, I make sure that they go through that checklist as it helps ensure we at least maintain our rankings if not increase them.

Supercharging your content

Content marketing is a key ingredient to more search traffic.

But these days, there is so much content on the web. How do you make sure that your content stands out and ranks?

Just think of it this way, there are over a billion blogs on the web.

Let that sink in.

That’s such a large number it comes out to roughly 1 blog for every 7 people.

Do you think we really need more blogs?

Not really… we just need good ones.

And one way to make your content better is to use data and research that can be integrated within your content as that helps create more backlinks.

For example, look at this post I created on the future of content marketing. It contains tons of charts and data.

People loved it so much that it generated 414 backlinks from 110 referring domains.

PS: If you are wondering how many backlinks you have or any piece of your content has, just put your URL in here.

And best of all, I did it all without even sending one outreach email.

But of course, you probably don’t have the time, resources, or team to do the custom research we did.

So how do you create content that contains data, amazing insights, and research that people love? Well, I’ve created a data sources document that you can use to easily find all of the information I just mentioned.

It will break down sites that contain unique data, charts, and research that you can cite within your content so you can naturally build more backlinks like me.

And on top of that, if you really want to supercharge your content and make sure that it not only drives traffic but more importantly sales, here are a few more templates and worksheets I’ve created for you:

  • WHIPS – the WHIPS template breaks down the cycles people go through before they purchase. Such as someone could be a window shopper, in which they are interested in purchasing something, but maybe not from you. Or they may know that they have a problem and are just looking for the right solution. No matter what situation your potential customers are in, the WHIPS template breaks down each of them so you can create the appropriate content that fits their needs.
  • 20/20 Rulebook – whether it is you who writes your own content or if you have writers, have them follow the 20/20 Rulebook. It breaks down the 20 rules that your content needs to follow if you want it to do well. Now in many cases, you won’t follow all of them, but your goal is to get as close to 20 as possible.
  • Content creation template – if you want my framework to write blockbuster blog posts, follow the content creation template. It’s a 20-page process, but once you use it a few times you’ll quickly get the hang of it and find that it’s easy to remember. And I’ve found that when people use it to write 6 blog posts, by the 7th they don’t even need to look at it because they know the steps by heart.

Content editing

I know my content has grammatical and spelling errors every once in a while, but my content does well.

One of the reasons is I follow the templates and worksheets that I’ve mentioned above.

But it is because I put a lot of emphasis on editing.

See, once you write content, let it sit for a day. It will give you time to think about how it can be made better.

And the next day, you’ll want to go in and edit it.

Don’t worry, editing doesn’t have to take a lot of time… I’ve broken down our editing hacks into 3 worksheets:

  1. 10 Commandmentsthis worksheet breaks down the 10 things to look for when editing. If you are short on time, start with this worksheet because you can typically get your editing done in less than 30 minutes by following the steps.
  2. Editing checklist – and if you have someone dedicated to editing on your team, have them complete this checklist each time they edit any content.
  3. Step-by-step editing guide – for those of you who really want to master editing, here is a 27-page guide that breaks down each step of the editing process. I’ll be honest with you, it is a bit overkill, but it is great if you have someone dedicated to just editing.

You may find the editing process a bit overwhelming, and if that is the case, stick with the checklist or the 10 commandments.

You can also use this editorial calendar to help you out. It is an Excel file, but you can load it up using Google Sheets for free.

Fine-tuning your content

Whoever says editing is the last step of content marketing is lying.

Going the extra mile by fine-tuning little things and making those small tweaks is what can help your content go viral.

Look, no matter how good of a marketer one might be, you will make mistakes. Even if you make very few, there is always room for improvement.

If you have already published hundreds (if not thousands of blog posts), don’t worry. You can tweak them still.

So, lets fine-tune your content to get that extra traffic.

Every little bit adds up, right?

It’s how I grew my SEO traffic to over 4 million visits a month:

  • Headline formula – as David Ogilvy once said, you spend 80 cents on the dollar in the headline. And it’s true, 8 out of 10 people will only read your headline, but only 2 people will click through and read the rest of your copy. So follow this headline formula swipe file to create amazing headlines.
  • Constructive criticism – having the attitude that you can always get better will help you beat your competition. The moment you think you know it all is the moment you lose. This worksheet will teach you how to critique your own content without being biased. I love using it to critique my competitions’ articles as it helps me better understand how to beat them.
  • WordPress SEO cheat sheet – you’re probably using WordPress like me. And if you are, fine-tune your blog with this cheat sheet. It’s an Excel file, but you can use Google Sheets to open it up.

Don’t forget to build links

Link building sucks. But if you don’t build links, you won’t rank well.

I wish there was another way… but there isn’t. 🙁

As you are building links you may be wondering, am I building the right links or the wrong links?

Are my existing links good? Do I need to disavow any of them?

For this reason, I’ve created a link-building scorecard. You can use Google Sheets to view it.

It will help you keep track of your links, which ones are good or bad, and what you need to fix so that you can reduce your risk of a Google penalty.

Once you download the link building scorecard, you’ll also want to download these two worksheets:

  1. Link building search operatorsthis worksheet teaches you how to use advanced search parameters within Google to find new link building opportunities. It is simple yet very effective.
  2. Outreach templates – once you find link opportunities, you’ll have to send outreach emails to convince sites to link to you. Here’s my outreach template. It contains 24 pages of outreach emails that you can use to build more links.


I know I’ve given you a lot of templates, worksheets, and cheat sheets, but you don’t have to use them all.

Use the ones you need and just save the rest for later. It will make your life easier, helping you get results faster and in less time.

And if you are wondering how much time you should spend on each task, here is the SEO taskmaster worksheet.

It breaks down all of the SEO tasks you need to complete, how long each will take, the importance of each one, and how to prioritize them because there is no way you can do everything in one day.

So, what do you think of all of these templates? Are you going to use them? And what has worked for you that I didn’t discuss here?

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SEO Pack: 21 Worksheets, Templates, and Cheat Sheets
Publicado Primeiro em Neil Patel