quinta-feira, 30 de abril de 2020


Uma estratégia de marketing digital completa deve considerar um investimento em SEO para aumentar e manter o tráfego em um site de maneira contínua e aumentar as vendas. SEO é a ferramenta mais importante no seu arsenal de vendas online. SEO é o único “almoço grátis” de marketing na web.

“Construa e eles virão” teria dito Deus a Noé quando ele perguntou de onde todos esses animais viriam para viver em sua arca. É com tanta fé que muitos de vocês decidem construir um site para o seu negócio e aguardam ansiosamente a chegada dos seus primeiros clientes.

Depois de algumas semanas, quando nada se move, você aprende, você lê e explora desesperadamente outras avenidas para gerar esse tráfego tão esperado. Você cria uma página no Facebook e, em seguida, uma página no Twitter, uma conta no Instagram, uma conta no Pinterest e faz o mesmo com o LinkedIn.

Por fim, dizemos que o que realmente importa é ter sua página do Google. Em uma página da Web simples, que deve funcionar como uma vitrine para o seu negócio.

Depois de um ano, você agora tem mais amigos do que no auge de sua popularidade na escola, mas ainda não possui vendas on-line. Você decide aumentar seus gastos e investir em publicidade do Google e do Facebook.

Finalmente, a roda começa a girar e as vendas chegam à taxa dos reais que você gasta. Como suas margens são reduzidas, quando você considera todas as suas despesas de marketing, diminui suas despesas para analisar se um “momento” se instala e as vendas continuam com uma menor contribuição de capital. Infelizmente, a queda nos seus custos de publicidade se traduz no colapso de suas vendas. Finalmente, haveria apenas o Google e o Facebook que ficariam mais ricos nesse circo?


Tudo era tão simples quando havia apenas as páginas amarelas, quando gastar alguns reais por ano trazia a você um fluxo constante de clientes. Tudo parece complicado agora; e ainda assim a solução está ao seu alcance. Não estou falando das Páginas Amarelas on-line aqui, mas uma ferramenta mil vezes mais poderosa, uma ferramenta que oferece a você a chance excepcional de aumentar suas vendas gratuitamente, estou falando do Google.

O Google substituiu todos os diretórios, todas as ferramentas de pesquisa arcaica que usamos no passado. Quando procuramos algo, é no Google que “fazemos” essa pesquisa.

Essas vendas são provenientes dos seus anúncios do Google Ads, elas acontecem simplesmente porque, em troca do seu dinheiro, o Google o posiciona no topo da página para as palavras-chave escolhidas.

No entanto, aposto que, quando você faz uma pesquisa, pula instintivamente os anúncios apresentados pelo Google e se concentra nos dois ou três primeiros resultados apresentados pelo mecanismo de pesquisa, os chamados na indústria de resultados orgânicos. Imagine suas vendas e lucros se você ocupou a primeira classificação de referência natural para as palavras-chave procuradas por seus clientes.


O vídeo permite que você apresente seus produtos, serviços e sua empresa de maneira divertida e personalizada.

Um vídeo de 30 segundos é, portanto, a garantia de que sua mensagem será transmitida e alcançará seus interlocutores mais facilmente. O vídeo também pode ser usado para outros fins que não a transmissão na Internet, como apresentação em uma feira comercial, envio em um boletim informativo etc.


O SEO não será diretamente impactado pela presença de um vídeo em seu site. No entanto, a integração desse vídeo em plataformas de vídeo como o Youtube pode permitir que você aumente sua visibilidade e crie uma rede de vídeos em seu site. O YouTube é o mecanismo de busca número dois atrás do Google hoje em termos de número de pesquisas.

Basta adicionar texto relevante para cada vídeo e um link para o seu site para impactar diretamente seu SEO e, assim, exibir seu vídeo na pesquisa natural. Portanto, você pode reivindicar melhores posições graças aos links que apontam para o seu site, mas também uma aparência dupla na página de pesquisa do Google. Observe também que um vídeo em uma página da Web a enriquece e o Google aprecia páginas ricas (texto, foto, vídeo).

Para ter uma chance maior de ser visto e apreciado, seu vídeo deve ser construído, organizado e produzido com um mínimo de material. De fato, muitos vídeos são agora feitos de maneira amadora, sem muitos meios ou construção e, infelizmente, com um resultado impraticável.

Um bom vídeo deve atender a certos critérios de tempo (nem muito longo, nem muito curto), de qualidade visual, de estrutura … que um profissional de produção de vídeo pode esbanjar com muita facilidade.

Uma vez concluída a primeira etapa, o trabalho começa a torná-la visível e visível em muitos mecanismos de vídeo. Através de um conjunto de processos comuns à referência natural combinados com o conhecimento específico do vídeo, o SEO poderá informar aos mecanismos a existência do seu vídeo, seu assunto e seu possível conteúdo, duração, etc.


A otimização de um site para um bom SEO é um componente essencial a ser levado em consideração. Existem cerca de dois bilhões de sites na Internet e isso pode parecer um grande desafio se você deseja aparecer nos resultados da pesquisa.

Mas é factível e, na verdade, é bastante simples. Existem dois métodos básicos para fazer isso: o método errado e o caminho certo. Abordaremos aqui o método certo, explicando a você o que fazer e, especialmente, não fazer.


Esse método envolve ocultar conteúdo especial, adicionar links desnecessários e preencher conteúdo legível em várias palavras-chave. Fazer dessa maneira está assumindo um grande risco com os mecanismos de pesquisa. O Google, por exemplo, pode remover permanentemente seu site do índice, se essas práticas forem identificadas.

Portanto, se queremos fazer o que é certo, precisamos usar um método mais natural. O Google, assim como outros, prefere sites que empregam técnicas naturais.

Em outras palavras, seus objetivos são fornecer resultados o mais relevantes possível para cada consulta. Os principais mecanismos adoram sites com conteúdo relevante, não apenas palavras-chave. Isso é fácil, basta criar um bom site compatível com os padrões e facilmente acessível.

O conteúdo O PODER DO SEO aparece primeiro em ADRS MARKETING.

Apareceu Primeiro em: ADRS MARKETING https://ift.tt/35kFDVB

terça-feira, 28 de abril de 2020

3 Simple Steps to Get Your First 10,000 Visitors from Google

Today’s going to be fun.

I’m going to make a bet with you that if you follow the 3 steps below, and you really follow them, you can get 10,000 visitors from Google.

I promise it won’t be hard, but it will take time.

And if you follow my steps and don’t get the results, hit me up and I will personally help you with your marketing.

All I ask is you do it for 3 months straight. You may not get to 10,000 visitors from Google in 3 months as some niches are really tiny, but most of you should get there or be well on your way.

Again, if you prove to me that you followed everything below and you don’t achieve the results, you can get in touch and I will personally help you with your marketing for free.


Step #1: Finding the right keywords

If you pick the wrong keywords, you’ll find yourself with little to no traffic and, even worse, you’ll find yourself with little to no sales.

So, before we get you on your way to more search traffic, let’s find you the right keywords.

I want you to head to Ubersuggest and type in your competitor’s domain name.

Now, I want you to click on the “Keywords” navigational option in the sidebar.

This report will show you all of the keywords that your competition is ranking for.

If you don’t see a list of thousands of keywords, that means you didn’t type in a big enough competitor. And if you don’t know who a big competitor is, just do a Google search for any major term related to your industry. The sites at the top are your major competitors.

I want you to go through the list of keywords and look for all of the keywords that are related to your business and have an SEO Difficulty (SD) score of 40 or less. The higher the number, the harder the keyword is to rank for. The lower the number, the easier it is to rank for.

In addition to an SD score of 40 or lower, I want you to look for keywords that have a volume of 500 or more.

Volume means the number of people that search for the keyword on a monthly basis. The higher the number, the more potential visitors that term will drive once you rank for it.

Next up, I want you to click on “Top Pages” in the navigation.

This will bring you to a report that looks like this:

This report shows you the most popular pages on your competitor’s site.

Now, under the Est. Visits (Estimated Visits) column, I want you to click on “view all” for the first few results.

Every time you do that it shows you all of the keywords that drive traffic to that page.

Just like you did with the keywords report, I want you to look at the keywords that have an SD of 40 or lower and a volume of 500 or more.

The one difference though, is that I want you to check out some of the URLs on the Top Pages report.

Click on over to the site so you can see the type of content they are writing. This is important because it will give you an idea of the types of content that Google likes to rank.

When you create similar pages (I will teach you how to do this shortly), it will allow you to get similar results to your competition over time.

Now that you have a handful of keywords, I want you to expand the list and find other related keywords.

In the navigation menu, click on “Keyword Ideas.”

When you type in one of the keywords you are thinking of going after in this report, it will give you a big list of other similar keywords.

This is important because it will show you all of the closely related terms.

For example, let’s say you came up with a list of keywords of a handful of keywords, such as:

  1. Dog food
  2. Cat food
  3. Dog bed
  4. How to clean your cat
  5. What do birds eat

You can’t just take all of those keywords and write one article and shove all the keywords in because they aren’t similar to each other. Someone looking for “dog beds” is probably not interested in reading about what birds eat.

So by typing in a keyword into the Keyword Ideas report, it will show you all of the other similar keywords that you can include in a single article.

When you are on the Keyword Ideas report you’ll notice some tabs: Suggestions, Related, Questions, Prepositions, and Comparisons.

I want you to go through each of those tabs. They will show you a different group of similar keywords that you may be able to include in your article (we will go over how to write the article in step 2).

Just take a look at the Questions tab:

You can see the keywords are drastically different than the Related tab:

Again, you’ll want to look for all keywords that have an SD score of 40 or lower. But this report looks for keywords that have a volume above 200.

I know 200 may seem like a small number, but if you find 100 good keywords that all have a volume of 200 or more, that adds up to 20,000 potential visitors per month. Or better yet, 240,000 per year.

Now it’s rare that you are going to get all of those people to come to your site, but you can get a portion of them. Even 10% would add up… especially if you did this with a handful of articles.

Your goal should be to have a list of at least 100 keywords that are very similar. You’ll want to do this at least five times. For example, remember that list of five keywords I mentioned above wasn’t too similar to each other…

  1. Dog food
  2. Cat food
  3. Dog bed
  4. How to clean your cat
  5. What do birds eat

You’ll want to make sure that for each main keyword you use the Keyword Ideas report to find another 100 that can accompany each keyword.

Step #2: Write content

At this point, you should have a list of keywords. If your list of keywords isn’t at least 100 keywords per group, go back to step 1 and keep at it.

It’s not that hard to get to 100 similar keywords that you can include in one article. It just takes some time to continually search and find them.

In general, as a rule of thumb, I can find 100 keywords in less than 8 minutes. It may take you a bit longer than me at first, but once you get the hang of it, it’ll be easy.

With your newly found keywords, I want you to write an article.

All you have to do is follow this tutorial step-by-step to write your first article.

Or, if you prefer a video tutorial, watch this:

As for your keywords, naturally place them into the article when it makes sense.

What you’ll quickly learn is that you probably won’t be able to “naturally” include all 100 keywords within your article. And that’s fine.

The last thing you want to do is stuff in keywords because you aren’t writing this article for just search engines, you are writing it for people… and the secondary benefit is that search engines will rank it because it contains the right keywords.

Before you make your article live on your site, I want you to keep a few things in mind:

  1. Keep your URLs short – Google prefers shorter URLs.
  2. Include your main keyword in your headline – by having your main keyword in your headline, you’ll be more likely to rank higher.
  3. Include your three main keywords in your meta tags – whether it is your title tag or meta description, include at least three main keywords in them. You won’t fit as many in your title tag, and that’s fine, but you should be able to within your meta description tag.

There are a lot of other things you can do to optimize your articles for SEO, but my goal is to keep this simple. Again, if you just follow these three steps, you’ll hit the 10,000-visitor mark.

So, for now, let’s just keep things simple and once you hit your goal, then you can get into the advanced stuff.

Step #3: Promoting your content

Writing content is only half the battle. Even if you include the right keywords in your article, if you don’t promote, it’s unlikely that it would be read or rank on Google.

So how do you make sure your content is read and ranks well?

Well, first you need to get social shares, and second, you need to get backlinks.

Yes, search engines don’t necessarily rank pages higher when they get more Facebook shares or tweets, but the more eyeballs that see your page the more likely you are to get backlinks.

And the more backlinks you get, generally, the higher you will rank.

So here’s how you get social shares…

First, I want you to go to Twitter and search for keywords related to your article.

As you scroll down, you’ll see thousands of people tweeting about stuff related to your keywords. Some of them will just be general updates but look for the members sharing articles.


Now what I want you to do is click on their profile and see if they mention their contact information or their website. If they mention their email you are good to go. If they mention their website, head to it, and try to find their contact information.

You won’t be able to find everyone’s contact information, but for the people you do, I want you to send them this email:

Subject: [insert the keyword you searched for on Twitter]

Hey [insert their first name],

I saw that you tweeted out [insert the title of the article they tweeted]. I actually have an article that I recently released on that subject.

But mine covers [talk about what your article covers and how it is unique].

[insert link to your article]

If you like it, feel free to share it.


[insert your name]

PS: Let me know if you want me to share anything for you on Twitter or any other social network.

What you’ll find is a large percentage of the people will be willing to share your content because they already are sharing related content and, of course, you offered to share their content, which helps out too.

If you send out 30 to 40 emails like this, you’ll start getting traction on the social web.

Now that you have social shares, it’s time to build backlinks. Instead of giving you tons of link building methods as there are many that work, I am just going to start you off with one that works very well.

I want you to head back to the Keyword Ideas report on Ubersuggest.

Once you get there, type in some of the keywords that you are trying to go after.

On the right side of the report, you’ll see a list of sites that rank and the number of backlinks that each of the ranking URLs has.

Click on the “Links” number. For each result, it will take you to the Backlinks report, which looks something like this:

This will give you a list of all the sites linking to your competitor’s article.

I want you to go to each of those URLs, find the site owner’s contact information, and shoot them an email that looks like this:

Subject: [name of their website]

Hey [insert their name],

I noticed something off with your website.

You linked to [insert your competitor that they linked to] on this page [insert the page on their site that they are linking to them from].

Now you may not see anything wrong with that, but the article you linked to isn’t helping out your website readers that much because it doesn’t cover:

[insert a few bullet points on how your article is better and different]

You should check out [insert your article] because it will provide a better experience for your readers.

If you enjoyed it, feel free to link to it.


[insert your name]

PS: If I can ever do anything to help you out, please let me know.

I want you to send out 100 of those emails for each article you write.


Yes, it takes work to get 10,000 visitors but once you do it you’ll continually generate traffic and, more importantly, sales.

To achieve 10,000 visitors, I want you to do the steps above five times. In other words, you will be writing five pieces of new content following the steps above.

It’s actually not that bad because you can just do 1 a week. So, within 5 weeks you would have done your job.

So, are you going to accept the challenge? If you do everything and don’t see the results over time, you can hit me up and I’ll help.

The post 3 Simple Steps to Get Your First 10,000 Visitors from Google appeared first on Neil Patel.

3 Simple Steps to Get Your First 10,000 Visitors from Google
Publicado Primeiro em Neil Patel

terça-feira, 21 de abril de 2020

➥Fórmula Negócio Online – A ÚNICA saída para qualquer tipo de crise !

O curso Fórmula Negócio Online já completou 6 anos de vida, e continua sendo o melhor treinamento para quem quer ter um negócio digital.

Agora, nessa época de isolamento social e o trabalho home office forçado, é um bom momento para perceber o quanto é vantajoso trabalhar online.

Muitas pessoas perderam o emprego, ou tiveram seus salários cortados pela metade, e acabaram ficando completamente sem recursos.

Quem já tinha um negócio online está hoje trabalhando normalmente, sem ver os rendimentos baixarem, ou a crise bater na porta.

Você deve estar pensando: “Como assim? Não está tudo parado?”.

Então, a parte física está, mas a digital não!

As lojas físicas que fecharam as portas, com certeza, estão atendendo online, seja pela whatsapp, ou pela loja virtual, porque as pessoas não deixaram de consumir, apenas não podem ir pessoalmente no estabelecimento.

Percebe a FORÇA que o mercado digital possui?

Percebe que se agora você tivesse um negócio digital não estaria passando apuro financeiro e teria tranquilidade para passar por esse momento de isolamento?

E, claro que para ter chegado até essa página, você fez alguma pesquisa sobre ter um negócio online.

E, claro que apareceram milhares de ofertas, com gente dizendo que dá para ganhar milhares de reais trabalhando pouco, ou quase nada.

NÃO se iluda! Para ganhar dinheiro com recorrência na internet é preciso ter um negócio profissional e não ficar correndo atrás de esquemas furados.

É aqui que o curso Fórmula Negócio Online entra, porque com ele você aprende como montar um negócio na internet do jeito certo!

Clique no botão abaixo para assistir ao vídeo onde o Alex Vargas, criador do curso, mostra como é possível criar negócios na internet completamente do zero:

Sim! Você viu direito os números que ele mostra, esses valores são completamente possíveis, desde que você se dedique ao seu negócio.

Não se trata de esquemas, nem de estratégias temporárias, estou falando de uma coisa sólida, recorrente e completamente escalável.

Fórmula Negócio online funciona mesmo?

A melhor forma de responder essa pergunta é mostrando resultados de alguns alunos.

Veja abaixo alguns prints de pessoas que deixam seus agradecimentos espontaneamente nas redes sociais do Alex>

Além dessas pessoas, o curso Formula Negócio online é responsável pelo nascimento de várias autoridades do marketing digital.

Nomes como Mafalda Melo, Karyne Otto, Luana Franco, e muitas outras personalidades que hoje são referência no mercado, começaram fazendo o FNO.

O que você preferiria?

Estar agora no isolamento, sem uma certeza de que continuará sendo funcionário, com o salário diminuído, ou ter um negócio digital próprio que permite ter liberdade financeira em médio e longo prazo?

Com certeza a segunda opção, não é mesmo?

Como FUNCIONA o Fórmula Negócio Online

A primeira coisa que preciso dizer é que o curso não se baseia apenas na criação de blogs.

É totalmente em vídeo aulas, com mais de 250 vídeos divididos em 18 módulos, com passo a passo de TODAS as estratégias.

O mais legal do curso é que você não precisa fazer ele inteiro para começar a ter resultados.

Montando a estrutura correta desde o início e aplicando as estratégias do módulo “Venda Rápida” você já terá resultados expressivos.

Com as aulas do curso você aprende a trabalhar de todas as formas possíveis na internet.

Seja em um projeto autoridade (aparecendo para o público), ou usando as estratégias onde você não precisa aparecer.

É isso mesmo! Dá para ganhar muito dinheiro na internet sem precisar mostrar a cara para o público!

Outro ponto muito importante é a questão do baixo investimento.

Você não precisa ter um monte de dinheiro para começar seu negócio digital.

Dependendo da estratégia que escolher para desenvolver, não precisará investir absolutamente NADA (com redes sociais e Youtube).

Assim, o curso se torna uma opção incrível para quem deseja começar uma renda extra, que depois poderá se tornar a principal (com certeza irá).

Além do mais, o curso é atualizado constantemente, sempre que surge uma coisa nova no mercado o Alex testa, e se dá certo, ele grava aulas e inclui no curso.

Essas atualizações são completamente sem ônus, ou seja, você paga o curso apenas uma vez e tem direito a esse material novo.

Para assistir as aulas você receberá um login e uma senha pessoal, e você poderá acessar o suporte lá de dentro da área de membros, ou pelo e-mail.

Optando por se inscrever no Fórmula Negócio Online você não precisará investir em outros cursos, pois ele é mesmo COMPLETO.

Conforme o Alex foi vendo que novas maneiras de trabalhar na internet surgiram, ele foi criando mini cursos que estão inclusos no módulo “BÔNUS”.

Por exemplo, se você quer saber tudo sobre como ganhar dinheiro com mini sites, basta acessar as 34 aulas do mini curso que estão dentro do FNO.

Aulas sobre copywritring, como criar um e-book, como anunciar corretamente no face e no Google, como monetizar blog com Adsense.

TUDO! Exatamente sobre tudo que você pode imaginar tem aula dentro do curso do Alex Vargas.

GARANTIA de Satisfação

O curso Fórmula Negócio Online possui 7 dias de garantia.

Isso permite que você possa analisar todo o conteúdo e, caso não goste de alguma coisa, bastará enviar um e-mail solicitando seu dinheiro de volta.

Como COMPRAR O treinamento Fórmula Negócio Online do Alex Vargas

Clicando no botão abaixo você será redirecionado(a) para a página oficial, onde poderá começar sua inscrição.

Quando a página abrir clique no botão verde (logo abaixo do vídeo) com os dizeres QUERO ME INSCREVER AGORA.

A nova página que surgir é dentro da plataforma Hotmart, que é o local que está comercializando o curso.

Fique tranquilo(a) seus dados estarão completamente seguros e não serão compartilhados com outros sites de compras.

Preencha os campos que estão em branco, fornecendo as informações necessárias.

Para prosseguir para a página de pagamento, basta clicar em PRÓXIMO PASSO.

Escolha a forma de pagamento que achar mais propícia.

Pagamentos feitos com cartão de crédito podem dividir o valor em até 12 vezes e tem acesso quase que imediato após a aprovação.

Com os outros métodos não existe possibilidade de parcelamento e o acesso pode demorar um pouco mais para ser concedido.

Preencha os campos do formulário financeiro e clique em COMPRAR AGORA para enviar seu pedido de inscrição.

PRONTO! Assim que a instituição financeira aprovar a transação você receberá um e-mail (no endereço que deixou cadastrado) contendo as informações para acessar as aulas. Bom estudo!


O curso Fórmula Negócio Online está com preço PROMOCIONAL que pode sair do ar a qualquer momento. Faça sua inscrição AGORA para garantir o menor valor e começar seu negócio online de sucesso desde JÁ!

O conteúdo ➥Fórmula Negócio Online – A ÚNICA saída para qualquer tipo de crise ! aparece primeiro em ADRS MARKETING.

Apareceu Primeiro em: ADRS MARKETING https://ift.tt/3bsZMuT

The Biggest SEO Trend You’re Ignoring

The screenshot above is my Google traffic over the last 12 months.

As you can see, my traffic is growing. And there are many reasons for that, but there is one trend that’s really caused the majority of my SEO growth.

You might be thinking it is Ubersuggest because it makes up 22.4% of my traffic now. But Ubersuggest has been integrated into NeilPatel.com for years, so that’s not it.

Sure, that is responsible for some of my growth, but it’s not responsible for it skyrocketing like it has been.

So, what do you think it is?

Well, I’ll give you a hint…

My traffic per region

Let’s look at my SEO traffic in a few different regions.

Here’s my traffic in the United States over the last 12 months:

Now here’s my traffic in the United Kingdom:

And here are the stats for Canada:

And Australia:

You can see that they have all increased, but not enough to cause the big spikes.

Now let’s look at some of the international markets we have been focusing on over the last few years.

Here’s Spain:

Here’s India:

And here is the first international market we expanded to, Brazil.

As you can see, the international markets are growing at a much faster pace, especially Brazil. But that is because we have been focusing on our SEO in Brazil more than any other country (outside of our main English markets).

Why you may ask?

Because a Google employee told me to

The most vital SEO lesson I learned came from a friend at Google, but they didn’t tell me anything that was really a secret…

They told me that the majority of the searches on the web aren’t done in English, they are done in other languages.

And in the English markets, everyone is competing, which means tons of sites and content from Google to choose from when it comes to determining which site should rank number 1 for any given keyword.

But the international markets are the opposite. There is a lot of demand but not enough sites for Google to choose from when it comes to rankings.

So even though there are tons of algorithm updates and SEO is becoming more difficult, it isn’t always the case with many international markets.

And the graphs above show it. As you can see, I’m getting huge traffic growth in those regions.

So, what should you do? Especially if you are starting off and don’t have a big budget or any budget for that matter…

Follow Amazon

Wherever you see big corporations like Amazon investing, it means there is money to be made in those regions.

Amazon has invested billions into regions like India:

It’s safe to say over the years Amazon will poor in well over $10 billion into India.

That’s a big bet for someone to make. And you can assume it’s a calculated bet because they think there is much more money to be made.

And it’s not just India…

Amazon is investing $236 million into Brazil to boost up their cloud infrastructure. And they’ve invested over $2.26 billion dollars in France. They are pretty much going after the whole world.

As you can see from the graph, Germany is its second-biggest market and Japan is also up there. But what’s interesting is the green bar as that represents the “rest of the world” and that green bar has been growing at a fast pace.

Now, I get that none of us are Amazon and we don’t have huge budgets, so I wanted to take a minute and break down how you can do this on a global scale without breaking the bank.

International SEO on a budget

When I first started to expand internationally, my business was much smaller and we didn’t have much money, if any, to spend on international SEO.

Yes, I am an SEO, so you would think that it makes it easier, but not really because the only language I am fluent in is English.

And if you fast forward to today, I’m still only fluent in English, but we have 7 offices around the world.

And we did it without laying out any of our own money. Yes, it did take time and it will for you too, but that’s the only way to do it when you are starting off and are small.

So how did we expand internationally without spending upfront?

We partnered with locals.

Why not find people in these regions who speak English as well as the local language of the country you are trying to expand to?

There are so many people without jobs, you’ll be shocked by how many people will be open to a partnership. All you have to do is look at Facebook groups and forums to find people in your space who live overseas.

Here’s how I structure each partnership:

  • I have the person, or a group of people, translate my content to that region’s language.
  • I have them read my English blog posts so they can learn SEO (if they don’t already know it… nowadays I look for people who already know SEO as I have been doing this long enough and can spend some money).
  • In exchange for them growing my traffic in that region, I give them a portion of the profits I make within that region. You can structure where you give them anywhere from 10% to 30%. You don’t want to go too low on the profit-sharing as you want them to work hard, but you also don’t want to go too high where you are giving away everything.
  • They put in the work each day, and they have 3 months to show some traction, and within 6 months they should have significant growth. Keep in mind it is less competitive, so it is easier to get results. You can also work with them on creating goals and milestones.
  • If they don’t show results, the partnership ends, and I don’t have to give them anything. If they show results, we keep pushing forward.

Now that we’ve covered structuring your international SEO expansion, let’s go over how you do it.

International SEO

I’ve written a handful of blog posts that break down the steps on growing your traffic in new languages and countries, but before I share them, I wanted to break down the 2 biggest lessons I learned:

  1. Transcribe the content, not translate – when you work with a partner overseas, they may think you want your content translated or that you want content written in their language just like how people would write the content in the US. That won’t work because cultures are different and keywords are different, so transcribe the content and adjust it to each country.
  2. You want a partner that lives in that country – if you expand into a country where you don’t have a partner on the ground you won’t see great results. By having people on the ground, you can more easily build up your brand, which has a big impact on rankings.

Here are some resources that will show you how to do international SEO:

  • This post will break down how to create a global SEO strategy.
  • And follow this to setup SEO correctly for different languages and countries. Keep in mind that Google doesn’t penalize for duplicate content, so don’t worry about having similar content or the same content for different regions.
  • Here’s how to expand internationally profitably.
  • This will teach you the fundamentals of reaching a global audience.

Funny enough, one of the reasons I created Ubersuggest was to build a tool that would help my team and I expand internationally.

Here’s a feature in Ubersuggest that will help you, that most people don’t know about.

So head over to Ubersuggest and type in a competitor that you know is big and has a global presence.

I want you to click on the “Top Pages” navigational option in the sidebar.

This shows you all of the top pages that your competitors have.

But don’t focus on those results. I want you to look at the regions that make up some of your competitions’ traffic… you’ll see that number next to each flag.

Click on one of the regions that you are considering expanding into. You’ll now see the results adjusted.

As you can see from the screenshot above, those are all of the pages on my site that are really popular in Brazil.

Now, I want you to click on “view all” under “Est. Visits” as that will show you all of the keywords that drive traffic to that page.

This will provide you with a laundry list of international keywords that you can give to your team so they can start creating content to go after them.

I also want you to click on “view all” under “Backlinks” as this will show you who links to your competition. You can then create a list of sites to reach out to so you can get them to link to you.

That’s the simple strategy we used to hit it hard in regions like Brazil and what we are also doing in countries like India, Spain, Mexico, France, Germany, and countless other countries.


English is a great language. And I love the United States as well as other English-speaking countries.

But that’s not where the opportunity is. There is more opportunity in global markets, which is why you need to follow the trend of international SEO.

Even if some of these countries don’t have as high of a GDP compared to the United States, it’s fine. Remember there aren’t as many competitors, which means you will have a lot of opportunities to still do really well.

So what region are you going to expand to first?

The post The Biggest SEO Trend You’re Ignoring appeared first on Neil Patel.

The Biggest SEO Trend You’re Ignoring
Publicado Primeiro em Neil Patel

terça-feira, 14 de abril de 2020

Chatbots: o que são e como eles nos ajudam com a venda online?

Chatbot (nome completo Chatterbot) é um programa de computador que simula um ser humano na convtersa com outras pessoas.
Basicamente, os objetivos iniciais são responder perguntas de forma pessoal para o usuário, para que ele pense estar conversando com outra pessoa e não com um programa de computador.
O chatbot hoje é muito usado nas vendas online. Quantas vezes você já foi “abordado por atendentes” em sites, que tentavam iniciar um diálogo com você?
Este artigo visa trazer mais informações sobre o chatbot e como estes podem ajudar nas vendas.

O chatbot

O chatbot é um programa de computador que faz o que é programado, através de uma Inteligência Artificial. Ela simula a conversa humana – e é isso.
Através do chatbot, torna mais fácil as tarefas burocráticas e repetitivas, deixando o humano para resolver problemas mais complexos.
O termo Chatterbot surgiu da junção das palavras chatter (a pessoa que conversa) e da palavra bot (abreviatura de robot), ou seja, um robô (em forma de software) que conversa com as pessoas.

Tipos de chatbots

Eles podem ser classificados em dois tipos, basicamente: o chatbot simples e o avançado.

O chatbot simples
Este também é conhecido como “chatbot baseado em regras”, e possui uma lógica de funcionamento muito simples.
Basicamente, enquanto o usuário vai escrevendo a mensagem, o programa vai aprendendo sobre o que o usuário quer dizer a partir de palavras-chaves definidas na programação do software.
Assim, é como se eles possuíssem um núcleo de “perguntas e respostas”, buscados a partir do que o usuário fala.
Portanto, se sua mensagem não tiver qualquer palavra-chave cadastrada no software, ele não conseguirá entender o que você quer dizer e poderá responder suas perguntas de forma genérica, ou com mensagem do tipo “desculpe, não entendi”.

O chatbot avançado
Este é complexo porque é baseado na inteligência artificial quando se comunica com os usuários.
A inteligência artificial adentra aqui como o diferencial. O processo do chatbot funciona diferente: ele registra as palavras escritas pelo usuário, para processá-las.
Então, ele não oferece respostas pré-programadas, mas sim com sugestões sobre cada assunto, mesmo que ocorra uma pergunta não programada.
Chatbots são criados através de computação em nuvem. Existem diversos prós para se utilizar esta tecnologia, mas também, claro, alguns contras também estão ali.

Vantagens de utilizar os chatbots
Atendimento 24h por dia, todos os dias da semana.
Atendimento múltiplo: o mesmo chatbot pode atender milhares de pessoas simultaneamente, assim, otimizando o tempo e automatizando serviços.
Dispensa a necessidade de grandes equipes. Isso facilita a gestão de pessoas e diminui os gastos.
Ajuda a empresa se expandir a diversos países, visto que o chatbot pode ser configurado em diversos idiomas.
Pode ser usado como forma de obter feedback dos clientes, além de obter dados fieis de atendimento.

Automatiza a venda.
Faz parte de uma solução estratégica para os organizadores.
Desvantagens de utilizar os chatbots
A falta de empatia. Como é uma inteligência artificial, não possui sentimentos humanos. E por conta disso, pode não ter empatia para com o cliente que esteja passando por alguma dificuldade;
Podem possuir demora na resposta de um atendimento, fazendo com que clientes não gostem disso.
Muitos clientes não gostam de falar com um “robô”, pois preferem o trato do funcionário humano.
Desta forma, claramente, o chatbot não substitui o funcionário humano, mas sim auxilia para que este atendimento seja otimizado e automatizado.
Algumas ferramentas de chatboot que podem ser utilizadas:
Facebook Messenger;

Chatbots no mundo

As empresas se preocupam em atingir todos públicos, e o chatbot tem uma grande importância nesse processo, porque eles conseguem fidelizar os clientes, informando-os sobre os mais diversos assuntos.
Um fator que deve ser considerado, é a captação de dados através das interações com os clientes, fazendo com que a empresa consiga prever quais serão as necessidades futuras de seus consumidores, já que dados são a matéria mais valiosa de uma empresa. 
De acordo com a revista Forbes, dezenas de empresas já estão usando chatbots tanto para interagir com seus clientes quanto para receber pagamentos. Receber pagamentos on- line, aliás, é outra funcionalidade possível de ser executada por web robots.
Eles conhecem o histórico dos usuários e podem facilitar na hora de oferecer condições de fechamento da compra, produtos complementares, entre outras funções que ajudam a melhorar a experiência e a potencializar as vendas. Entre as empresas que já fazem uso de chatbots destacam -se bancos e grandes sites de notícia. 

A evolução dos chatbots: curiosidade!

O Facebook desligou um dos projetos de inteligência artificial em julho de 2017, após descobrirem que seus chatbots estavam criando sua própria linguagem para comunicação.
Os chatbots Alice e Bob criados pelo Facebook estavam criando um idioma próprio e passaram a agir de forma diferente da que foi descrita por seus programadores no início do projeto. Os pesquisadores identificaram que a dupla de chatbots desenvolveu uma forma própria de se comunicar, utilizando padrões e repetições de palavras em inglês.
O que chamou mais a atenção dos pesquisadores foi que os bots usaram de artifícios no meio das conversas, fingindo interesse em assuntos apenas para obter o que desejavam. O projeto foi desligado quando a equipe da rede social entendeu que a mudança de padrão tornava difícil demais analisar os dados e adotar o projeto.
Isso demonstra uma grande eficiência por parte dos chatbots, e também progresso quanto as inteligências artificiais.


Chatbots são ótimas ferramentas de conversão de clientes. Além disso, economizam recursos da empresa – financeiros e humanos – possibilitando a alocação estratégicas deles.
Eles não substituem os humanos! Mas sim, servem para auxiliá-los na execução de tarefas simples e repetitivas, também servindo como atendimento preliminar em websites.
Implante já um chatbot no seu negócio.

O conteúdo Chatbots: o que são e como eles nos ajudam com a venda online? aparece primeiro em ADRS MARKETING.

Apareceu Primeiro em: ADRS MARKETING https://ift.tt/3cl4f2y

Do Headings Really Impact Rankings?

They say in SEO you need to use headings.

Those can be H1, H2, or even H3 tags.

But do they really impact your rankings?

Sure, a lot of CMS systems put headings on each of your web pages by default. They do this with the title of the page (or blog post) and sometimes to sections within a page.

But again, the real question is, do they help with rankings?

I decided to run a fun experiment to find out if they really help.

How the experiment worked

Similar to past experiments I ran, I reached out to a portion of my email list to ask if they would like to participate. Just like how I did with the one on blog comment links and this one on link building.

4,104 of you responded wanting to participate. But unlike previous experiments, we only ran this one on websites that generated at least 100,000 visitors a month from organic search.

We picked larger sites because you can easily tell if a change had an impact on traffic. With smaller sites, external factors can more easily skew results, especially if a site only gets 100 visitors a month. One simple thing like a PR push could cause double the visitors in that case.

We also removed sites with seasonality and sites that weren’t at least 3 years old. Again, we just wanted to decrease anything skewing the results.

For example, with young sites, they tend to grow faster in organic traffic versus established sites… even when they do less SEO work because they are starting from a smaller base.

In the end, 61 sites met our requirements. It wasn’t a big number, but each site on average has 426 pages.

Now with a traditional A/B test, you would show 50% of your visitors one version and the other half a different version. But when it comes to SEO, you have to make a change and once Google indexes the change you have to compare the results to the previous 30 days.

So, with each site, we ran numerous tests at the same time to see the impact of headings. With each site, we took their web pages and split them up in 4 groups:

  • Control group – we left these pages unmodified. Whether they used headings or not, we wanted to see what happened to their organic traffic over time as it would give us another baseline to compare the results.
  • Headings – with this group, we used H1 tags for the title of the page, H2 tags for the subsections of the page, and even H3 and H4 tags if the subsections had subsections.
  • Using normal <p> text – with all of the pages in this group, we made sure they were not using headings. In addition to that, we made sure all of the font sizes were the same size.
  • Using normal <p> text and adjusting font sizes – with this group, we didn’t use headings. Instead, we made sure different parts of the text were in different font sizes. For example, the title of the page was the largest font size.

Before we dive into the results, the last thing to note is the experiment ran for 90 days. Even though we were comparing results of the pages we made the changes to using data from 30 days prior and 30 days after, keep in mind Google has to index the change, so you have to account for that as well.

Control group

The control group saw an increase in traffic of 2.89%.

As I mentioned above, no changes were made to the control group. But it shows that they naturally grew in their rankings and search traffic over time.

This wasn’t much of a shocker either as 2.89% isn’t a large jump.


Now when I saw the results of the group that was using headings, the results were pretty much what I expected…

As you can see from the graph above, the before and after results weren’t much of a change when you compare it to the control group. Instead of a 2.89% gain, they had a 2.72% gain.

Keep in mind some of the pages in the control group were naturally using headings and some weren’t. Again, in that group, we made no changes.

But now as we dive into the next two experiments, you’ll see that the data gets interesting.

Using normal <p> text

What was interesting about this group is that no headings were used. And on top of that, we made sure all of the font sizes on these pages were exactly the same size.

What we saw was a decrease in traffic of 3.53%.

That doesn’t seem like a big swing, but when you compare it to the control group that’s a difference of 6.42%.

Now I wanted to see if the drop in traffic was due to the use of headings or usability. Because you have to keep in mind that when you make all of the text on the page the same size it impacts usability as well.

It makes the page less readable. And we saw that as the average time on page dropped by 12%. As for the bounce rate, we didn’t see much of a change.

Using normal <p> text and adjusting font sizes

This group didn’t use any headings but they did use different font sizes on the page to keep the pages usable (readable).

The graph shows that this group saw an increase in traffic of 2.85%.

Although headings may not be the biggest SEO factor, it does seem usability is.

When font sizes on a page are larger, it helps tell users and potentially search engines what part of a page and even which keywords are more important.


When you compare all 4 groups, the control had the largest gains. But it was insignificant, and you have to keep in mind that a lot of the pages in the control group also use headings. That group just had no changes.

From what the data shows, it doesn’t look like headings have a big impact on rankings.

Maybe if I ran the experiment longer the data would have shown otherwise, but my hunch tells me the data would be similar.

One thing we didn’t try was removing headings from all pages of a site or adding headings to all pages of a site that didn’t have any in the first place. If I were to re-run the experiment I would add in these 2 tests.

From what the data shows, Google does care about usability. Having different font sizes on a page helps tell the reader which elements are more important than others. It also makes the page easier to read.

Whether you make certain elements or words on the page stand out through large font sizes or headings, it’s clear that it is a good practice.

Now if I were you, I would still use headings because it can be useful for accessibility software that helps users navigate a page. Plus, it can potentially help with other search engines like Bing.

Plus with SEO, you aren’t going to see massive gains from one single tactic like you used to be able to. It’s about doing every little thing right. That’s why I recommend you run your site through this audit and fix every error.

So, do you use headings on your site?

The post Do Headings Really Impact Rankings? appeared first on Neil Patel.

Do Headings Really Impact Rankings?
Publicado Primeiro em Neil Patel

terça-feira, 7 de abril de 2020

How to Adapt Your Marketing During the Coronavirus (COVID-19)

It’s been roughly a month now since the Coronavirus started to flip our lives upside down.

From having to practice social distancing and getting used to life without the outdoors to continually washing our hands and wearing masks and seeing loved ones and friends getting sick, the Coronavirus is something none of us expected.

Even our businesses our suffering. Just look at the Coronavirus marketing stats I shared a few weeks ago. The results are devastating.

It’s why I decided to change Ubersuggest and make it more free to help small businesses out.

Since then a lot has changed and there are new opportunities that have come around when it comes to your online business and marketing activities.

Opportunity #1: Help others selflessly

My ad agency has thousands of clients around the world. We lost a ton, but we still have enough to see trends in what’s happening.

When I saw businesses starting to lose a ton of money, I decided to give more of Ubersuggest’s premium featurs for free. That means it would take me much longer to break even, but hey that’s life.

Just look at the image below… you’ll see something interesting.

The chart breaks down how many free-trial signups Ubersuggest has received throughout the month.

Keep in mind, new customers means free trials… a large portion of free-trial users doesn’t convert into paying customers but still, the more trials you get in theory, the more paid customers you will eventually get.

As you can see, the chart is declining. That’s because I opened up more of Ubersuggest’s paid features and made them free.

What’s interesting is you (and other community members) helped support me.

The moment I blogged about more features being opened up for free, many of you decided to purchase a paid subscription.

I received dozens of emails from the marketing community thanking me and letting me know that they appreciate everything that I was doing AND they purchased a paid plan to help me out.

Now granted, in general signups are down, but that’s what happens when you decide to give away more for free. I didn’t do it because I am trying to leverage Coronavirus or look good, instead, I am just trying to help people out like I’ve been lucky enough to have people help me out during my time of need.

But here is what’s interesting… my traffic started to go up on Ubersuggest the moment I told everyone that I am giving more away for free.

I’m not the only one who experienced this.

Eric Siu decided to give away a course that teaches people how to start a marketing agency for free (he normally charges $1,497) and a bit more than 250 people have taken Eric up on his offer. If you want it, you can get it here for free.

This has led Eric to gain more social media fans and it’s given him an opportunity to do a webinar about his product/services to a new audience of 50,000 people.

Similar to me, Eric wasn’t trying to do this to gain anything, he is just trying to help people out.

I also know someone in the health space who did something similar and one person in the employment space.

They all saw the indirect benefits of helping people out.

In all cases that I have seen, the result is more traffic.

With your website and business, consider what you can give away for free. Anything you can do to help people out is appreciated, especially during this difficult time. You’ll also find that it will drive you more visitors, which is a nice indirect benefit.

Opportunity #2: Paid ads are really, really cheap

The latest trend we are seeing is that paid ads are becoming cheaper.

It makes sense because the way these big ad networks make money is through an auction system. They need small businesses to drive up the cost per click (CPC) for ads so that way the big, billion-dollar corporations have to spend more money on ads.

If you don’t have as many small businesses advertising (like we are experiencing now) there isn’t as much competition for the inventory, so the cost per click decrease.

But the virus has been causing us to spend more time online, so much so that companies like Netflix have had to reduce their streaming quality to help.

In other words, traffic on the web is up and there are fewer advertisers. This means ads are cheaper.

Now we are also seeing conversions rates dropping in certain industries, but nowhere near at the same rate as the CPCs.

When we average things out per industry and globally, we are seeing paid ads producing a much higher ROI than before the Coronavirus hit. Just look at the chart below.

Our clients, in general, have seen their ROI go from 31% to 53%. That’s a 71% increase in ROI.

If you haven’t tried paid ads yet, you should consider it. If you do, consider ramping up as there is more excess inventory than there has been in years.

Opportunity #3: Conversions are down, but there’s a solution

For many industries, conversion rates are down. Here’s a quick snapshot of what it looked like right after the first big week in the United States.

Since then, things have changed. For some industries, it has gotten better, but for others like travel, it’s still terrible and will be for a while. Delta Airlines is currently burning $60 million a day.

But we found a solution that has boosted conversion rates by 12% on average.

If you are a store selling something online, consider offering payment plans through services like Affirm.

Payment plans reduce the financial burden your customers will face in the short run.

And you don’t have to be an e-commerce company to leverage payment plans. If you are selling consulting services, you can accept money over a period of a year.

If you are selling ebooks or digital courses, you can also have a monthly installment plan.

When I sold digital products on NeilPatel.com, I found that roughly 19% of people opted in for my payment plan.

It’s an easy way to boost your conversion rates, especially in a time where many people are looking to reduce their cash spend in the short term.

Opportunity #4: Offer educational based training

If you are looking for a good opportunity, consider selling your audience educational based courses.

With unemployment numbers reaching all-time highs, more people than ever are looking for new opportunities.

Many of these opportunities are in fields like high-tech that not everyone has experience in.

And, of course, going back to school can be expensive and is time-consuming. Plus, let’s face it… you can probably learn more applicable knowledge on YouTube than sitting in a college class for 4 years (at least for most professions).

So, where do people go to learn? Any online education website offering very specific, niche advice and courses.

Whether that is Udemy or you are selling your own courses, people are looking for help.

If you don’t know how to sell online courses in mass quantity, follow this. I break it down step by step and even give you the templates you need to be successful. It’s the same ones I used to reach over $381,722 a month in sales.

Opportunity #5: Geography diversification

COVID-19 is a global issue. But it is affecting some countries worse than others.

For example, South Korea has had better luck controlling the spread of the virus compared to many other countries.

And countries like the United States and Italy have exploded in daily cases.

With over 84,000 new cases a day and growing quickly, the spread of the virus or the slowdown of the virus can affect your traffic drastically.

For that reason, you should consider diversifying the regions you get your traffic from.

Through international SEO, you can quickly gain more traffic and be less reliant on one country’s economy.

For example, here is my traffic swing for my SEO traffic in the United States over the last few months.

The US traffic is slowly starting to climb back. It’s still not back to where it was during my all-time highs, but it’s not as low as when the Coronavirus first hit the United States.

On the flip side, our traffic in Brazil has been going through the roof.

We haven’t changed our strategy, it’s not algorithm related… we haven’t produced more content than usual… we’ve just seen an increase.

We are also starting to see a nice increase in India.

By translating your content for other regions and leveraging international SEO, you can quickly grow your traffic.

Sure, it may take 6 months to a year to start seeing results in the United States, but that isn’t the case with regions like Brazil where there isn’t as much competition.

If you want to achieve similar results to me, follow my global SEO strategy. It works well… just look at the images above.


Sadly, the next few months are going to get worse. The daily count of new Coronavirus victims is growing.

From a personal standpoint, all you can do is stay indoors and practice social distancing.

But from a marketing, business, and career perspective, you can make a change.

You should have more time now (sadly), so use it to your advantage. Put in the effort so you can grow, that way you’ll come out of the Coronavirus stronger.

So which one of the above opportunities are you going to implement first?

The post How to Adapt Your Marketing During the Coronavirus (COVID-19) appeared first on Neil Patel.

How to Adapt Your Marketing During the Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Publicado Primeiro em Neil Patel