quinta-feira, 21 de outubro de 2021

How to Do Quarterly Ad Planning

How to Do Quarterly Ad Planning

Perhaps you have a yearly marketing plan that provides an overview of the year. This can be helpful in understanding your overall goals but too vague to implement. That’s why a campaign plan with a narrower window—such as a quarter—is essential to marketing success.

A quarterly ad campaign plan provides a more granular view of your objectives, goals, and success. This will enable you to keep your priorities in line and respond accordingly to KPIs and metrics as results become available.

This in-depth guide provides actionable tips for successfully planning your quarterly ad campaign. By the end of this article, you will feel confident in your ability to create a thorough campaign plan you and your team can execute.

Review Last Quarter’s KPI and Metrics

The first step to future campaign planning is to look at the previous quarter’s performance. Using Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and metrics, you can gain a deeper understanding of the success of previous campaigns.

The KPIs can vary depending on the marketing campaign and its ultimate purpose, but a few KPIs to consider closely are:

  • customer acquisition cost (CAC)
  • customer lifetime value (LTV)
  • return on investment (ROI)
  • marketing qualified lead (MQL)
  • traffic-to-lead ratio (new contact rate)
  • lead-to-customer ratio
  • return on ad spend (ROAS)
  • conversion rate
  • website traffic
  • customer retention

This list is a healthy mix of short-term and long-term KPIs, which is crucial to agile marketing. You don’t need to include all of them in your quarterly business review. Instead, you should focus on one or two that most closely align with each of your objectives. 

When choosing KPIs to track, ask yourself whether it is easily quantifiable and something you can influence. The more control you have over a KPI, the more valuable its inclusion in your performance tracking.

With the information above, you can make new quarterly campaign decisions based on what worked, what didn’t, and what ideas could have been better executed.

Set Campaign Goals and Metrics to Track

It’s not enough to create a plan. You should do so with specific goals in mind. However, setting marketing goals you can achieve requires an in-depth approach. I recommend the SMART method for goal setting. This stands for:

  • specific
  • measurable
  • achievable
  • relevant
  • timebound

What does this look like for a marketing campaign? 

Let’s say you’re running a campaign with the overall goal of bringing more qualified leads into your funnel. A SMART goal might look like this:

“Increase the number of MQL’s in our funnel by 8 percent by the end of Q3 via a targeted social media campaign.”

This goal hits all of the marks of a SMART goal by being specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and timebound. By the end of the campaign, you can easily answer yes or no on whether the goal was achieved. If not, you can reevaluate for the next quarter.

Evaluate Campaign Targeting

Your ad campaigns will only be as effective as the audience they reach. Identifying your target market is a crucial step in ensuring a successful quarterly campaign season.

You should first take a closer look at the data from your existing audience. This means digging in to further determine geography, age ranges, and lifestyle. How did your audience respond to the previous campaigns, and what can you do to improve those responses?

For example, did one segment of your audience interact with the campaign media but not convert? This indicates a surface-level interest. You should not abandon your efforts with this segment entirely but instead shift your objective to a higher level of the marketing funnel (e.g., attention or interest).

You may want to consider target audience expansion, too. Based on the previous quarter’s data, perhaps you found you were reaching demographics not previously on your radar. This would be a good time to reconsider the various segments of your target audience and add new ones if needed.

Fortunately, there are free tools like Google Analytics to help you further evaluate and segment your audience.

Decide Which Platforms to Use

The list of platforms is long and growing longer. The most popular platforms include Google, Facebook, Instagram, Bing, Amazon, and YouTube.

Before you choose which platforms to advertise with, though, you should first determine how many you will use.

With just one or two platforms, you can focus more intently on a more segmented part of your audience. This may result in a higher ROI. If your interest is more in testing various ad types and audience segments, though, then three, four, or even five platforms may be a good idea.

You should focus on quality as well as quantity. Each platform offers its own ad types, and using the right one for your audience is important. Google, for example, has eight different campaign types to choose from:

google campaign types for ad planning

With so many platforms, you may feel compelled to spread your campaign budget across the spectrum. After all, doesn’t more platforms mean an increased reach? While true in theory, it’s more important to target the right audience.

Review Campaign Budget

You can make your ad campaigns effective, whether on a small or large budget. However, it’s essential to set the budget from the start so you can plan accordingly.

The different platforms will have different tips and tricks for budget optimization. Before you consider the specifics of your budget for each platform, though, you need to determine all-in advertising costs.

It helps to use a top-down approach. This means setting a maximum budget for the quarter that includes all advertising costs. You can then split the budget for each platform based on a few different factors, such as:

  • previous platform success
  • target market share
  • ad type and opportunity

Even further, you can split the platform budget into per-advertisement costs. For example, spending more per day on a sale campaign can make more sense if the ROI is expected to be higher.

Outline Campaign Messages and Offers

While you don’t need to have all of the copy and digital assets completed before the quarter, you should have a solid idea of the campaign messages and offers. This outline will act as your framework for the work to come.

The outline can be a simple list of dates with corresponding messages and offers, or it can be baked into your workflow. The most important thing is to answer these three questions:

  • Who is the target audience?
  • What is the purpose of the advertisement?
  • On what platform will this advertisement be displayed?

The more detailed your campaign messages and offers are at the outset, the easier it will be to plan your workflow. It also takes a lot of guesswork out of the process so the campaign goal is clear for all members of the marketing team. 

The drawback of being too detailed is the plan can feel a bit rigid. You should discuss internally just how detailed you want to get at the beginning of the quarter. Your team may prefer to flow a bit more freely, or they may prefer to have the campaigns locked in place 90 days in advance.

You can easily enter campaign details into a spreadsheet or word document. There are also more detailed campaign offer templates for those who prefer them. 

Create Asset Production Workflow

At the beginning of the quarter, the list of work to be done can be long and overwhelming. It’s at this point that establishing an effective workflow is crucial to future campaign success.

An asset production workflow ensures campaign assets (including copy, images, videos, and other digital elements) are completed on time. A good workflow ensures team collaboration and clear communication.

The workflow will vary depending on the type of asset and the number of collaborators. The basic steps of creative production include ideation, creation, review, approval, and launch.

You can manage these steps in a spreadsheet, though many project management platforms exist. These platforms often offer templates to spark your creativity.

Trello design template for ad planning

Platforms like Trello and Asana enable you to create a seamless workflow. You can add multiple collaborators to each board, as well as use deadlines, checklists, and triggers to keep on task. These platforms help you focus more thoroughly on the process and less so on process management.

Create a Campaign Testing Plan

Testing your campaigns on an ongoing basis is important to future marketing optimization. The results of campaign testing provide insight into your target audience so you can better refine your marketing campaigns.

With this in mind, it’s important to include campaign testing within your overall campaign planning. This ensures assets are created early in the process and properly vetted.

A few examples of campaign tests include:

  • target audience
  • budget
  • time of week and day
  • calls to action (CTAs)
  • word order
  • power words in headlines

It can be tempting to perform campaign testing off-the-cuff. However, it’s best to plan for these tests at the outset and include them in your asset workflow. You can use the results of these tests going forward.

Frequently Asked Questions About Ad Campaign Planning

If you still have questions about ad campaign planning, take a look at the answers to these frequently asked questions on the topic.

How often should I review my ad campaign plan?

The quarterly planning session is important for setting the outline and goals of the quarter. It is important to reevaluate regularly throughout the quarter, though, and pivot as needed. You should look at least weekly at your campaign plan to determine success.

How early should I plan my ad campaigns for the holiday season?

When it comes to holiday ad planning, the earlier, the better. For best results, you should begin to plan the next holiday season as soon as the previous holiday season concludes. If you’re already behind, then you’ll want to keep it simple and be ready to adapt.

What should an ad campaign analysis include?

An ad campaign analysis should include at least three steps: review, take-aways, and next steps. This means you should review the results, highlight the key take-aways (i.e., what the results show worked and what didn’t), and outline recommended next steps (e.g., reevaluate how goals can be improved for the next quarter).

What type of objectives should I set for my ad campaigns?

When creating an ad campaign, you should do so with one key objective in mind. The objectives can be split into three categories: awareness, consideration, and conversion. An awareness campaign aims to increase reach, a consideration campaign aims to drive engagement, and a conversion campaign aims to drive conversions.

Quarterly Ad Campaign Planning Conclusion

When you transition to quarterly ad campaign planning, you will feel more confident in your ability to carry out and evaluate your marketing goals. This is true whether you are transitioning from an annual campaign plan, which can be too vague, or a weekly campaign plan, which can be too granular.

A quarterly campaign plan enables you to break down your goals, objectives, and budget into bite-sized chunks. This cuts down on the overwhelm while also providing flexibility.

More importantly, the 90-day window a quarterly campaign plan includes is just enough time to flawlessly execute while also evaluating your success along the way. This agile framework enables you to respond accordingly to the results of your campaign so you can become proactive. 

What objectives do you want to highlight with your next quarterly ad campaign plan?

How to Do Quarterly Ad Planning
Publicado Primeiro em Neil Patel

How to Drive Traffic with YouTube Live

How to Drive Traffic with Youtube Live

As a marketer, you know how valuable audience connection is.

When you truly connect, you build trust and increase the likelihood of repeat purchases and interaction.

These days, there are more and more ways for marketers to reach their target audiences. From TikTok to in-feed Instagram ads, marketers are encountering never-before-seen amounts of opportunity for connection.

One of these opportunities is live functionality. Available on a slew of platforms, including Twitch, Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok, this feature allows users to live-stream to their followers.

Given that we know how successful video is as a content form, savvy marketers are making livestreams work for their campaigns. 

While the platforms mentioned above are pretty commonly used for live video, YouTube also shares this live-stream capability.

The video streaming giant offers streamers a unique platform to share information and grow brand awareness.

If you’re looking for new ways to connect with your target audience, read on to learn if YouTube Live is the right platform for you.

What Is YouTube Live and What Are the Benefits?

Much like many other live-streaming services, YouTube Live is YouTube’s livestream arm of its platform. Through this tool, you can reach your audience in real-time, allowing real-time connection.

Users seeking live content navigate to the Live section of the YouTube homepage to find your stream through search. Users can also discover your live stream if they’ve interacted with your account in the past, with your video manifesting on their individual homepage.

The benefits of YouTube Live are truly endless. Big brands like Bon Appetit have taken advantage of the platform, as have many smaller, non-franchised organizations.

six screens YouTube Live Bon Appetit test kitchen

Some of the key benefits include:

Connection With Your Audience

This is a big one. The reason all-live everything is so successful is that it enables face-to-face connection through a screen. By enabling the chat function, you can connect directly with your audience, answering questions, and building relationships and goodwill.

Brand Establishment

Seventy percent of viewers bought from a brand after seeing it on YouTube. When you go live on the platform, you’re not extending brand exposure, you’re establishing your brand as an accessible entity with a notable, reachable figure hosting live events.

Cost-Effective Production

You can use YouTube Live for the cost of an account, which is free.

Given that your video doesn’t require any pre- or post-production, you also save on hefty fees often associated with video creation.

Collaboration With Other YouTubers

While this function is often overlooked, YouTube Live was the first of the live streaming social platforms to enable collaboration.

Through this function, you can cross-promote with another local business or team up to do a giveaway. This capability also allows you to host guests, giving you the opportunity to widen your audience reach by promoting an out-of-house individual’s presence.

How to Use YouTube Live

With more than two billion active users worldwide, YouTube should be a go-to destination for marketers.

If you’ve never planned around live marketing, the thought of executing a YouTube Live strategy can be, well, intimidating.

However, it doesn’t have to be.

YouTube Live offers users two different types of live streams, simple and custom.


With this straightforward delivery, you can go live from your webcam or phone (this is contingent upon having over 1,000 followers). Much like other livestreaming platforms, the simple mode is great for doing a basic Q&A or sharing a presentation.


This delivery mode is much more complex because it meets the needs of more complex presentations. For example, if you want to share your screen or use multiple web cameras, you need an encoder to make this happen. While these two categories are broken out to be opposites of one another, don’t let the term complex alarm you—the custom stream is still pretty easy to achieve.

Much like any other marketing campaign, your YouTube Live strategy should be well-planned and have goals in place.

Before you hit golive on your YouTube homepage, be sure you’ve strategized accordingly.

3 Ways to Drive More Traffic Using YouTube Live

If you’ve identified the need to grow more traffic as one of your top goals, (and let’s be honest, who among us doesn’t want more traffic), YouTube Live is an excellent platform for sending more visitors to your site.

Below, we break down three strategies that can help you harness the power of YouTube Live to score more traffic.

1. Create a Promotional Plan

You know the saying: if a tree falls in the forest and no one’s around to hear it, did it even make a sound?

The same goes for your YouTube Live: if you don’t promote your live event, how will anyone know to show up.

The same amount of forethought and strategizing you reserve for other marketing campaigns should go into your livestream.

Here are our three best tips for making your next livestream a hit.

youtube live chart sharing three benefits of going live

Schedule Your YouTube Live Video

After you’ve established the goal of your YouTube Live video, you need to schedule a date and time so you can promote your livestream to followers and prospects alike.

Socialize Your YouTube Live Video

You want to be promoting your YouTube Live video everywhere. From your social channels to your email contacts, you need to share the who, what, when, why, and where to all followers and prospects.

Build a Retargeting Ads Campaign

Think your work is done after your live stream wraps? Think again. Use retargeting ads on social and other platforms to reach liver stream attendees and remind them to take action.

2. Share Valuable Content

We’ve alluded to the need for a clearly delineated value of your YouTube Live for your audience.

To gain someone’s most valuable asset (hint: it’s their time), you must offer them something valuable in exchange.

Whether that’s a demo of a software upgrade or an unboxing video of the new prints your store is now offering shoppers, be sure that your content is doing more than just making noise.

3. Get Smart About Your CTA

When filing a YouTube Live video, you want to have a very precise call to action (CTA). While we wish there were a silver bullet that would encourage all viewers to take the desired action, choosing your ideal CTA takes some planning.

First, you need to assess what you want viewers to do after viewing your video. Ask yourself:

  • Do I want my viewer to make a purchase?
  • Do I want my viewer to schedule a demo?
  • Do I want my viewer to watch more of my videos?
  • Do I want my viewer to follow me on social channels?

After answering this question, you can determine which CTA is most appropriate for your viewers and incorporate it into the conclusion of your video.

To reiterate, be sure to identify where your viewers are in the buyer’s journey and use a CTA that resonates with that respective stage.

YouTube Live cta buyers journey in three stages

Make the Most of Your YouTube Live Content

You did it. You succeeded in hosting your first YouTube live. You got a bunch of new followers on Twitter, so now you’re done with that content, right?


Now that you’ve created a video asset, you can turn that YouTube Live video into a wealth of evergreen content.

Below are a few ideas for making your YouTube Live video work as hard as you do.

  • Turn your live stream into a typical video and share it on your website.
  • Share interesting segments of your live stream on social media. Pull quotes from your live stream and share them on social media.
  • Edit the audio from your YouTube Live stream into an audio podcast.

These possibilities represent only four of the myriad options you have for repurposing content. We’ve talked about how valuable video is, so be sure not to let it go to waste.

Frequently Asked Questions About Using YouTube Live to Drive Traffic

What is YouTube Live?

YouTube Live is the video streaming giant’s live platform. Users can go live to audiences, streaming in real-time. This channel can be used for Q&As, unboxing videos, how-to guides, and more. 

Is YouTube Live good for marketing?

Yes! Video of all kinds performs incredibly well with audiences. And with 81 percent of Americans using YouTube, you’re actively doing your brand a disservice if you’re not advertising on YouTube in some function. In addition, you can repurpose content from your YouTube Live across other channels, creating an evergreen marketing asset. 

What equipment do I need to do YouTube Live?

For simple live streaming, you only need a webcam or a phone. If you’re looking for more complex functionality from YouTube Live, like multiple cameras, you’re going to need an encoder.

How can I repurpose my YouTube Live content?

You can repurpose your YouTube Live content in so many different ways. From bite-sized video clips on Instagram to a full-fledged podcast episode, the opportunities for repurposing are endless.

How to Drive Traffic With YouTube Live Conclusion

While Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Twitch, and many other platforms offer live streaming, YouTube Live grants you access to the massive YouTube audience.

As you plan your YouTube Live campaign be sure to be strategic about promotion, content, and your final CTA.

If you improvise any of these aspects of your live stream, you likely won’t have your desired impact and run the risk of alienating your audience.

Before embarking on your YouTube Live journey, be sure to research and watch other live streams from brands within your industry. By learning what works and what does not, you can tailor your video around their mistakes, ultimately allowing your brand to outshine your competition.

What’s the best YouTube Live video you’ve ever watched and why was it successful?

How to Drive Traffic with YouTube Live
Publicado Primeiro em Neil Patel

terça-feira, 19 de outubro de 2021

How to Translate Foot Traffic Into Digital Sales

How to Translate Foot Traffic to Digital Sales

As an entrepreneur, the move towards e-commerce and digital transformation shouldn’t pass you by. The good news is that as a brick-and-mortar business owner, you can promote your website to the foot traffic in and around your store to aid your online visibility and increase digital sales.

Perhaps your biggest advantage is you don’t need to spend quite so long building the relationships that turn people into buyers: you’ve already done that. 

Shoppers coming into your store know you, trust you, and are more likely to purchase from you. Also, the surrounding foot traffic is at least familiar with your business, even if they haven’t bought anything from you yet.

Now comes the question: How do you turn your foot traffic into more digital sales

Whether your website is fresh up or you’ve been running your website for some time, the techniques featured in this article are open to everyone.

First, let’s look at the two main different types of retail traffic along with their advantages and disadvantages.

Foot Traffic Vs. Online Traffic: What Are the Pros and Cons

When we talk about foot traffic, we mean the number of people coming into your store and those who walk nearby. It has always been an important measure of retail success, and naturally, the more foot traffic an area has, the more chances there are to make sales.

Each type of traffic has its pros and cons. 

With regular foot traffic, the advantages are it:

  • allows businesses to see and interact with customers personally
  • can generate word-of-mouth advertising and, in turn, repeat customers through recommendations
  • enables face-to-face sales, which many consumers are more comfortable with
  • allows customers to ask questions directly and get immediate answers

However, there are also disadvantages to foot traffic. The most significant disadvantage is the decline. According to RetailNext, recent Black Friday figures were down 48 percent, and this is a trend that’s likely to continue as more consumers turn to e-commerce.

There are other disadvantages too, such as:

  • It’s weather dependent. Fewer shoppers are out about when the weather’s bad or the heat’s too intense.
  • There are declining brick-and-mortar sales

Consumers who use e-commerce benefit from the convenience and special offers available online. However, the growth in online sales is good for website owners too. 

The main advantages of online traffic include:

  • There’s a constant flow of visitors to your store anytime, even when you’re sleeping.
  • It provides targeted reach.
  • There are little to no geographical limitations.
  • Tracking allows you to spot patterns and refine your marketing strategy.

Disadvantages of online traffic include:

  • It takes time to get established online.
  • There is over-reliance on technology.
  • Changing algorithms mean you can lose your position in search engines.
  • It costs money to keep getting fresh visitors to your store.

8 Ways to Convert Foot Traffic Into Digital Sales

No store owner can afford to ignore the potential of digital sales. E-commerce has dominated the retail sector for years now, and that’s not going to change, according to forecasts.

According to statistics, e-commerce sales are likely to reach 563.4 billion dollars by 2025, and your online business can benefit from this surge.

Foot traffic Statista forecast chart

1. Advertise Your Online Presence

You’ve got customers coming into your store every day. Make sure they know about your website and social media presence by advertising your digital channels around the store. 

Don’t go too crazy, though. 

There’s no need for giant banners with “find us online @” written on them. Instead, be a little more discreet. For instance, you could:

  • Add your website URL and social media pages to receipts.
  • Include business cards with a discount code when packing bags. 
  • Put your online details on any packaging.
  • Include small plaques on shelving around the store with your online information.
  • Advertise details on any outside signage and in your windows for passing foot traffic to see.

Also, if you have any special internet offers, promote them through in-store advertising and handing out promotional materials. Add an incentive to spur interest.

2. Advertise Online-Only Sales

Many people have two things in common: they love a bargain and have a fear of missing out (FOMO). According to the stats:

  • Sixty-nine percent of millennials have FOMO.
  • Wealthier households are more likely to experience FOMO.
  • Social media is a major contributor.

FOMO is a proven psychological tactic for driving sales. That’s why offering online-only items or special discounts can be an effective profit booster for your business, especially when you include a time limit on the offers.

E-commerce companies like Sleeknote use this approach, creating a sense of urgency to get consumers to sign up.

drive foot traffic sleek note

Another benefit of this approach is that buyers are only too keen to tell their friends and families about the great deal they got. This could mean even more visitors to your digital platforms.

When doing this kind of promotion, be sure to spread the word among your offline customers with leaflets or small cards and a promotion code so you can track your campaign’s success.

3. Offer Free Shipping Discount Codes

One deal-breaker for consumers is shipping costs. Eighty-two percent of shoppers hate them and prefer free shipping overpaid expedited options.

To overcome this obstacle, why not offer a free shipping discount code?

Once customers get to your website, sign up and register, it’s easier to engage them and build relationships by sending targeted offers. They also get to realize the benefits of online shopping.

If it makes sense, you could also offer free shipping on orders of a minimum value for future orders to further engage and encourage your customers to purchase.

4. Offer Incentives for Connecting on Social Media

Sometimes customers just need a nudge. They might have meant to check out your business on social media but just haven’t got around to it yet.

What can you do to get buyers to visit your social media platforms? You create incentives. They can be in the form of coupons, freebies, contests, and prizes.

You could also offer points or a percentage off if your customer shares your social media pages with others or gets a friend to sign up to your digital channels. 

5. Highlight Exclusive Online-Only Products

Let’s go back to FOMO just for a moment. 

Arguably, FOMO has done a lot to keep the retail industry alive, especially on major shopping occasions, like Black Friday.

costco foot traffic example

E-commerce store owners often use FOMO to secure more sales, and there are multiple other ways you can use it in your marketing campaigns.

By offering exclusive online-only products, you’re giving shoppers the reason they need to head to your website and sign up.

However, FOMO has a downside, too. 

It can lead to impulsive buying by consumers. That’s not what you or your business needs: you want customers that keep coming back for more. 

Also, it could be damaging to the overall customer experience, so use this strategy with care.

6. Cross-promote With Other Store Owners

If another local store has a product that complements yours, then you may find cross-promoting each other’s products/services is mutually beneficial.

For example, an organic store selling nutritious foods and natural skincare products could pair with a local beauty salon or a gym.      

You promote their online offerings and digital platforms in your store, and they do the same in their premises. 

Perhaps take this a step further and collaborate with other local store owners to create a co-branded coupon with local businesses’ online details.

This approach can reach a broader scope of foot traffic, potentially leading to more visitors to your website and increased digital sales.

7. Use In-store Events

In-store promotions have been around for years, and they’re a staple of retail marketing. The goal of in-store promotion is to:

  • increase customer traffic 
  • improve brand awareness
  • create awareness for new products
  • get people talking

By creating a buzz, an in-store promotion attracts foot traffic from regular customers and possibly from passersby. 

These events give consumers the chance to visit a store, check out products, and get to know you. They also give you the opportunity to promote your online channels and give out promotional materials directing people to your website. 

Additionally, in-store promotions help with word of mouth, build customer loyalty, and you also have some flexibility regarding the style of the event.

Depending on what you want to achieve, your promotion could be:

  • educational
  • luxurious
  • experimental 
  • holiday-themed

Alternatively, you could take the Ikea approach and create a bring a friend event. Ikea asked people to “like” their Facebook page if they wanted to access the special offers only available to attendees who brought a friend along.

You can use such events to promote your store in other ways too. For example, you could invite visitors to take pictures or videos and share them on your digital channels to promote your brand further online.

8. Hand Out Flyers

Go wider and make the most of the foot traffic outside of your door. Flyers are one of the oldest forms of advertising, and they still work.

Hand out flyers to passersby highlighting your special deals and internet-only products to passersby. However, be sure to check if it’s permissible locally before you do.

You can then use this as an opportunity to introduce yourself to potential customers and tell them about your business and the advantages of buying from you online.

You can also:

  • pin flyers to local community boards
  • advertise in your store windows 
  • keep a pile of flyers on your counter for shoppers to take
  • include flyers in your customer’s grocery bags

Finally, offer discounts to anyone that signs up and include a code for people to use so you can track success.

Frequently Asked Questions About Foot Traffic

How can I use my website for more foot traffic?

You can use your website to attract extra foot traffic for a further business boost. Consider inviting people to buy online and pick up in-store, providing in-store redeemable coupons, and offering in-store exchanges and returns.

What’s the best way to track the success of my campaigns?

You can add codes to any flyers, cards, or other promotional materials that you put out or ask customers how they found you when they registered online.

How can I improve my foot traffic offline?

By using signage, introducing a loyalty program, marketing, and social media. However, remember that these tactics take time, so they may not increase your foot traffic immediately.

How does foot traffic increase sales?

The more foot traffic you have, the greater the opportunity for engagement and sales, helping boost your revenues.

Foot Traffic Conclusion

As a store owner, you’re in the unique position to start sending customers directly to your website to increase your digital sales.

You don’t need to rely on them finding you by chance, and you don’t have to take so much time building trust because these buyers already know you.

That gives you a perfect chance to start actively promoting your website to the foot traffic in and around your store.

There are plenty of strategies you can use to do this. For example, offering incentives to get consumers to sign up to your social channels, holding in-store promotions to highlight online-only products and give demonstrations, and advertising your store on your packaging materials and receipts.

Are you a store owner? How do you get your foot traffic to find you online?

How to Translate Foot Traffic Into Digital Sales
Publicado Primeiro em Neil Patel

segunda-feira, 18 de outubro de 2021

How to Do Quarterly Content Planning to 10x Content Output

How to Do Quarterly Content Planning to 10x Content Output

Content planning is easily the most unenjoyable part of the entire content production and marketing process—just ask any digital marketer.

Yet, it’s an essential component of content marketing that can’t be ignored if you want to 10x your content output.

Not only will organization help you stay on top of things, but content planning helps improve the overall quality of your content. You should regularly review your content plan and look for ways to maximize your productivity—even on a shoestring budget.

Remember, content plays a huge role in your business growth.

As a result, you must be deliberate and proactive about the type and quality of content you publish. Planning your content will help you provide real value to your audience, remain consistent in posting, and stay ahead of your workload for the month.

This will create more time to respond and engage with your target audience: the true goal of content marketing.

Review Last Quarter’s Content Metrics

A key part of creating a quarterly content plan is to review the previous quarter’s performance metrics for your social media, mailing list, and blog pages.

Check everything from traffic on your pages to direct social media engagement to click-throughs to your website. Analyzing your content this way will help you understand what kind of content your audience is looking for and what works best.

You’ll also be able to identify what hasn’t taken off and has been a waste of your marketing budget. This will help inform your content strategy moving forward.

To make this segment of your quarterly content planning more effective, design a way of keeping track of your content’s performance each quarter. You can use a spreadsheet or any other content-management tool that you find easiest.

Set Content Goals

Before you start planning the type of content you’ll publish, it’s essential that you first decide what you want to achieve with your content.

You should set goals for your content each and every quarter.

A few business goals you can achieve with your content include:

  • brand awareness
  • customer acquisition
  • sales
  • customer retention
  • engagement levels

When setting your quarterly content goals, it’s a good idea to use your previous quarter’s content performance as the benchmark for your next quarter’s content goals. It’s also an excellent idea to set SMART goals as this makes your goals easy to track and measure. For example, your goal could be a 20 percent increase in organic traffic in the next quarter.

Every content marketing campaign you run must be designed to accomplish specific goals that align with your future business plans.

Define Content Campaign Metrics

One of the biggest mistakes you can make with your content is spraying and praying—publishing content and hoping it will perform. Content doesn’t perform by chance. You have to be strategic about every component of your campaign.

That’s why you must define the metrics you’ll use to gauge the performance of your campaign. Defining your content campaign metrics will help ensure that every piece of content and every campaign is data-driven, thereby increasing the chances of success.

How do you define your content campaign metrics?

Easy. Your metrics should be tied to the content goals you set for the quarter. A few examples of the metrics you can use to review the performance of your content include:

  • Page views: This shows the number of unique visitors seeing your content.
  • Time on-page: This is the amount of time visitors spend on a particular page. If your content is relevant and engaging, time spent on the page will be higher.
  • Bounce rate: This is the percentage of website visitors that leave without performing a relevant action.
  • Social media shares and engagement: This metric indicates how much people find your content useful.
  • SEO performance: Check factors like page ranking, backlinks acquired, and the keywords the page is ranking for as indicators of SEO performance.
  • Newsletter signups and engagement: How readers engage with your newsletter shows the relevance of your content.

Defining your content campaign metrics will give you the perfect way to measure the success of each piece of content and the campaign as a whole.

Evaluate Your Content’s Target Audience

One critical aspect of your content plan is understanding the audience you’re targeting. If your targeting is off, your campaign will flop.

To ensure you’re targeting the right audience, you need to conduct audience research and build personas representing your ideal customer.

A few things to note as you research your target audience include:

  • Demographics: These are the physical attributes that members of your target audience have in common. Examples include geographical location, gender, age, and marital status.
  • Psychographics: Psychographic data refers to the general psychological makeup of members of your target audience. Examples include interests, aspirations, opinions, and more.
  • Firmographics: This mainly applies to B2B brands as it refers to the descriptive attributes that make up a brand’s ideal customer profile (ICP). Examples include industry, location, company size, customer base, and technology stack.

Using the data you obtain, you can then build profiles of your perfect customer.

Audience research is an essential aspect of content planning

Doing this will help you design the right messaging and create personalized experiences for your audience.

Besides understanding your audience, you should also seek to understand which stage of the funnel they are in. This will help you know which stage of the funnel to put more effort into as you create content for the next quarter.

Decide What Types of Content to Create

Another important element for creating a quarterly content plan that will 10x your output is knowing what type of content to create.

Different content types include:

  • social media
  • webinars
  • how-to guides
  • blog posts
  • infographics
  • memes/GIFs
  • videos (live stream videos, YouTube videos, TikTok, Instagram reels, etc.)
  • podcasts
  • email newsletters and campaigns
  • user generated content (UGC)
  • long form pieces
  • white papers

As you well know, making decisions (even concerning the smallest details of your life) can be challenging. Thankfully, a few factors will help you decide on the content types to focus on in the next quarter. These include your:

  1. Target audience: Create the type of content they find valuable and engaging.
  2. Sales funnel: Make sure to create content that caters to each stage of your sales funnel.
  3. Competitors: Study your competitors and take note of the content types that are bringing them results. You can do this by checking out Ubersuggest, a free marketing tool.

You can also review your own content to check which types of content have worked well for you.

For now, here are some of the content types you can leverage in your content marketing campaigns:

1. Blog Posts

Easy to produce with the help of the right content writers, blog posts are among the most consumed types of content. They are also the easiest to rank in search engines as they provide many opportunities for SEO optimization.

2. e-books

E-books are a type of long-form content in PDF or HTML formats. They are a great way of showcasing your expertise, thereby helping you gain your audience’s trust. Plus, they are great for earning passive income.

3. White Papers

White papers are informational documents that go in-depth to highlight a specific topic and how your product or service can help solve said problem. Their most prominent use is to help establish you as a thought leader. They’re also great for lead generation.

4. Case Studies

Another excellent type of content you can use to gain your audience’s trust is a case study. Case studies highlight a common problem your audience faces and how one of your customers used your solution to solve that problem.

5. Video Content

Video content has grown in popularity over the past few years thanks to its highly interactive nature. It’s a great way to drive engagement and easily convey your message.

6. Infographics

Infographics are a superb visual way of presenting information in an easy-to-digest format. They’re also great for driving engagement and attracting backlinks.

Review Your Content Budget

Now that you know the types of content you’ll create, you can start reviewing your content budget. You’ll have to work out how much you’re prepared to spend on:

  • content strategy
  • content creation
  • content promotion

As content marketing plays a huge role in the success of your business, you should set aside a healthy portion of your marketing budget for it.

How much should you budget for your content marketing?

The answer is largely dependent on several factors—including the types of content you plan on creating, the volume of publishing, and the size of your business. However, research shows that most brands spend anywhere from $5,000 to over $50,000 on content marketing. Marketing budgets in general should be between 7-12 percent of your total revenue.

Review Content Production Workflow

With the budget sorted, you can now start getting the gears of your content creation in motion.

It’s time to review your content production workflow.

A content workflow is a series of tasks that you and your team must perform to ensure that each piece of content is perfectly crafted and created on time. It also highlights who creates which parts of your content, such as writing, recording, editing, and graphic design.

A well-designed content production workflow ensures that your content creation runs smoothly and efficiently. That’s why, as you do your quarterly content planning, you must review how well your content workflow worked. Ask yourself:

  • Did your content production run smoothly?
  • What parts of the workflow do you feel need improvement?

As you review your content production workflow, take note of the parts of the process that you can automate. For example, you could streamline aspects of the process by creating templates that ensure uniformity in the quality of the deliverables.

Create a Content Promotional Plan

Most people make a mistake when it comes to content marketing. They think the process stops after hitting the publish button. You need to realize that content marketing has two critical stages: content production and content promotion. Writing content is only half the battle.

You also need to promote it. After hitting the publish button, you must aggressively promote your content. This can be via alternative content marketing platforms—e.g., sharing your blog posts on social media, or sending your LinkedIn article to your mailing list.

A few tips to help you create an effective content promotion plan include:

  • Understanding the platforms your audience frequents: Do they prefer to consume content on social media, blog posts, or YouTube?
  • Outlining what types of campaigns you’ll run: Examples include SEO, paid social ads, google ads, and email marketing.
  • Defining your content promotion KPIs: Doing so will help you track the performance of your campaign.
  • Creating a content promotion calendar: A content promotion calendar shows you which content to promote, on which platform, and on what day.

Design your content promotion plan in such a way that the day you launch a piece of content, you’re already prepared to start promoting it. Content promotion and distribution must start immediately after you publish a piece of content.

Quarterly Content Plan Frequently Asked Questions

How can I increase my content production?

Content creation is a big challenge for many businesses. The best way to increase your content production is to plan ahead. That’s why you need to create a quarterly content production plan.

Are there any tools that can help increase content production?

There is a myriad of tools you can use to increase your content production. Examples include spreadsheets, Trello, Frase, Workflowy, Grammarly, and many more.

How often should I review my content production plan?

Reviewing your content production plan is an essential part of running a successful content marketing campaign. That’s why you must regularly review yours. For your quarterly content plan, a monthly review is best as it gives enough time to get enough data to help you have a clear picture of how your content is performing.

What should be included in my content production plan?

Your content production plan should include everything that can help you effectively produce quality content. This includes content research, workflows, creation, and promotion.

Quarterly Content Plan Conclusion

Content marketing plays a significant role in the success of marketing your business.

For your content marketing campaigns to succeed, you need to plan your content ahead of time. You need to create a quarterly content plan that will help you 10x your content output—both qualitatively and quantitatively.

Content planning has many advantages it brings to your content team and business overall. From speeding up the content creation process to improving content quality, you can engage your audience in new ways and maximize your marketing budget ROI.

Go ahead and use the tips outlined above to create your quarterly content plan.

What content planning tips have you found to be most helpful?

How to Do Quarterly Content Planning to 10x Content Output
Publicado Primeiro em Neil Patel

These Pinterest Image Sizes Get Businesses 80% More Traffic

These Pinterest Image Sizes Get Businesses 80% More Traffic

Pinterest is a great way to get your brand noticed online.

After all, the world’s 14th largest social network boasts around 454 million active monthly users.

Brands looking to boost performance on Pinterest should be keeping Pinterest image sizes in mind.

Certain image sizes are more likely to catch the eyes of Pinterest users, and it’s important to understand how size can impact Pinterest success.

The more attention you attract, the more potential web visitors you can convert.

To help you out, we’ve compiled a list of the best Pinterest image sizes for driving website traffic.

We’ll explore how different pins and sizing can impact traffic and how to use this information to boost your own Pinterest marketing.

What Are the Best Sizes for Pinterest Images for Your Business?

You can leverage many different kinds of pins on Pinterest, from static pins to video ads. Each type of pin has a recommended aspect ratio from Pinterest itself.

Generally, vertical pins should be 1000 x 1500 pixels, or a 2:3 aspect ratio. Pinterest does not recommend images smaller than 600 x 900 pixels.

Pinterest also has specific recommended sizes from their ads manager, so be sure to check those before running any Pinterest ads.

You’ll want to use the correct image sizing so your images fit well without getting cut off.

The image below represents pins that meet the 2:3 aspect ratio Pinterest recommends.

table of optional Pinterest image sizes

The best Pinterest image size for your business depends on several factors, including the type and messaging in your pin images.

That means you should always test and measure pin traffic and conversions to figure out what works best.

There are plenty of tools to help with this, including the Pinterest Business Analytics Dashboard, which has a custom pin size tool within it. 

There are currently eight sizes to choose from when creating pins:

Pinterest image size chart

Let’s explore how and why these Pinterest image sizes are used and how they work to drive traffic to your site.

Pinterest Images: Static Pins

Static pins are the most basic type of Pinterest image. They feature only one image and a few sentences that link your pin to your website.

While they may be simple, static pins are very SEO-friendly because they offer concise, relevant keywords that search engines pick up on.

They also provide clear calls to action and direct users to your website with a clickable link in the pin description. 

While you might think using multiple images in one pin would be more engaging for users, if the pinner doesn’t have time to read all of your content, they might keep scrolling.

For this reason, static pins can be a great way to get instant traffic from Pinterest directly to your site.

The best Pinterest image size for static pins is 2:3 or 1000 x 1500 pixels. Anything larger than this risks being cut off in user feeds. Static pins work best with PNG or JPEG files at a maximum of 10 MB.

To create a high-performing static pin, be sure to keep your image and text short.

Pinterest users are often scrolling through their feeds quickly, so it’s important to have a clear image with relevant text.

Pinterest image - static pin of home decor

Pinterest Images: Infographic Pins

Infographic pins are vertical Pinterest images that are uniquely visual and encourage users to click through on your content

Vertical pins perform best on Pinterest, which makes infographics a strong contender for driving traffic. 

Infographic pins are also easy to share across social media platforms, bringing in new audiences for your business.

That said, some users argue infographic pins can negatively impact your search rankings, as they become truncated in search.

How they perform for you will depend on individual factors, so there’s no harm in testing them to see how they perform for you.

The best size for a Pinterest image infographic is 1000 x 3000 with a Pinterest Pin ratio of 1:3. Infographic pins should be no larger than 600 x 2400 pixels.

Let’s look at the different types of infographic pins, and how to use them effectively.

First up are standard infographics which often feature text overlaid on top of a graphic or image. Although they may seem like an obvious choice, not all businesses have strong visual content that works well in this format. Business coaches, influencers, and wellness brands tend to see the most traffic with these pins.

Another option is to use a more complex and detailed image, such as one that features different colors or shapes alongside the text. For example, a retail store could create a gift guide as a long form infographic.

Finally, if you want the most pin-worthy content possible for infographics, try making them interactive. Interactive content is more eye-catching and can encourage users to share your pin, driving more traffic to your site.

Pinterest image - infographics

Pinterest Images: Square Pins

Square pins are great for sharing images from your Instagram feed.

The best Pinterest image size for square pins is a 1:1 aspect ratio or 1000 x 1000 pixels. The maximum image file size of a square pin should be 20 MB.

Square pins allow you to share compact images that are relevant to your brand aesthetic and easy to share.

Although some people claim square pins get less engagement, other users say their likes, impressions, and clicks have improved with square pins.

Studies have shown the average user spends less than five seconds on a Pinterest page, so it’s critical your images and pin descriptions are concise and effective.

A clear title makes it easier for users to understand what they’re clicking into or scrolling past.

Square pins are easy to view on most devices, which is why they’re a great fit for social media platforms like Pinterest.

Plus, square Pinterest images work well when you need users to click through or check out your website or blog content.

To see if square pins work for you, run some tests and judge the results for yourself!

Pinterest Images: Long Pins

Long pins are typically used for blog content or articles, where users can scroll to read the entire text.

Long pins are great when you need people to click through and engage with your website content.

Long pins should use a Pinterest Pin ratio of 1:2.1 or 1000 x 2100 pixels.

If your long pin exceeds this recommended size limit, it may be cut off in user feeds.

If your long pin cannot meet this length, don’t worry! You can help users stay engaged by centering any text before the truncated portion. Once they click the image, they’ll be able to see the rest of your content.

Long pins work best for businesses that have articles or blog posts to share. For example, if you own a hairdressing or beauty salon, you could pin an article about how to take care of your hair type.

Another great use for long pins is if you’re selling products online. You could share a link with several different images that sends users through to the product page.

This allows users to see different views or angles of the product, so they can make an informed decision about what to purchase.

Pinterest images - Long Pins

Pinterest Images: Carousel Pins

Carousel pins are a great way to show a lot of information in one pin.

For example, if you’re selling jewellery online and have several rings for sale from the same collection, carousel pins allow you to include up to five images per pin/item that users can scroll through.

The best Pinterest image size for carousel pins is 1000 x 2000 pixels and should be no more than three images in length. As well, carousel pins can be shown in either standard Pin Size (2:3) or Square Pins (1:1).

Carousel pins allow you to showcase multiple images with a short text description below each image. These are perfect for businesses that showcase events, recipes, tutorials or other content people want to scroll through.

These Pinterest image pins can help drive people directly to your online store, as they can see exactly what you’re selling and buying right from the pin. This is a great way to generate sales!

Outerwear brand REI found that carousel ads using Pinterest carousel pins increased their click-through-rate by 32 percent.

Pinterest images - Carousel Pins

5 Best Practices for Pinterest Images

There are a few things to keep in mind when creating your Pinterest images so you can drive as much traffic back to your site as possible.

1. Be Descriptive

Include descriptive text on the image itself, including hashtags and relevant keywords. This is one of the most powerful ways you can increase website traffic from each pin’s click-through rate, as it helps your Pinterest page connect to search results across the internet.

This will also ensure your pins are easy to find when people search on Pinterest.

2. Include the Right Links

Next, include a link in the pin’s image description so when someone clicks it they can be taken back to your site with ease. You can also use copy to encourage them to click through again by including more text about what they will see if they do.

3. Use High-Quality Images

If you’re linking to your store, be sure to use product pins with clear, high quality images. Link the pin to a specific product with an easy-to-understand description that encourages viewers to purchase there or visit your website for more information.

Ensure your logo is displayed on every pin you create, but make sure it’s visible. Pinterest recommends avoiding the lower right corner as that area gets covered up by product icons.

4. Include Alt Text on Pins

Be sure to add alt text to all your images. This will help improve the SEO of your website and let Pinterest know what each image is about.

You can also pin images directly from your website or blog by adding a “Pin it” button on the page. By doing this, you won’t have to upload and crop each image as they will be sized automatically for Pinterest image requirements. (This also allows users to pin your images, which expands your reach.)

5. Monitor Pin Performance

Lastly, monitor all of your pin impressions to see how you can improve your content. Different pins may bring in different results, so pay attention to what you pin to track how Pinterest impacts site traffic and conversions. 

Frequently Asked Questions About Pinterest Images

What are the Pinterest post dimensions?

Different kinds of Pinterest images use different sizing, but Pinterest generally recommends a ​​2:3 aspect ratio, or 1000 x 1500 pixels limit.

What are the most popular pins on Pinterest?

The most popular pinned content on Pinterest is DIY and craft pins, entertainment, weddings, and holidays and events.

How do I drive traffic to my website on Pinterest?

There are many ways to drive traffic to your website from Pinterest which can include keyword targeting, proper Pinterest image sizing, applying for Rich Pins, and creating strong visual content.

Is Pinterest a good source of traffic?

Pinterest is one of the leading sources of traffic for bloggers, sometimes even beating out SEO.

Pinterest Image Size Conclusion

When well optimized, Pinterest images can grow your audience and increase web traffic to your site.

By using the right Pinterest image sizes, optimizing your content, and tracking performance with Pinterest Analytics, you can transform your Pinterest page into a high-performing marketing tool.

Don’t forget to strengthen your Pinterest image strategy with strong SEO and impressive web design, to encourage new visitors to convert. 

What Pinterest images work best for your brand?

These Pinterest Image Sizes Get Businesses 80% More Traffic
Publicado Primeiro em Neil Patel

quinta-feira, 14 de outubro de 2021

These Tactical Black Friday Ad Campaign Tips Can Increase Your Revenue 200%

These Tactical Black Friday Ad Campaign Tips Can Increase Your Revenue 200

There’s no better time than the Black Friday season to boost your sales. From product launches to store-wide promotions, businesses ramp up their sales and marketing efforts during this time to match the high customer demand. 

Not sure where to start? Black Friday ad campaigns are one of the quickest way to drive revenue.

Do Black Friday Ad Campaigns Make a Difference? 

Don’t dismiss Black Friday as just another e-commerce trend. Shoppers still spend as much as $9 billion on Black Friday deals in a given year. You can leverage this audience interest to improve your revenue by using effective Black Friday ad campaigns. 

Here’s how. 

Top 8 Black Friday Ad Campaign Tips

Follow these simple yet powerful strategies to build successful Black Friday ad campaigns. 

1. Make Your Sales Specials Clear

How would people buy from you if they don’t know what you’re selling? 

If you’re launching a Black Friday ad campaign, make your offers clear. For example, look at this ad by First Hotels

black friday ad campaigns example first hotels.

The first word makes it clear what the offer is about. Then, the rest of the ad copy is written in simple language to draw attention to the Black Friday ad. 

Here is another example from the Clash of Clans Twitter account.

Clash of Clans Twitter Black Friday ad campaign

How do you make sure your Black Friday ad campaign makes your offers clear and attractive?

  • Add the words Black Friday in a large, eye-catchy font. 
  • Make it easy to understand with simple ad copy like in the Clash of Clans image.
  • Use striking visuals, animations, and popping elements to draw attention. 

2. Research Which Platforms to Run Campaigns On

The best strategies for creating a Black Friday ad campaign vary from platform to platform. Research the popular ad campaign platforms beforehand to make the most out of your time, money, and efforts. 

This way, you’ll know which platforms work best for your audience and for the type of content you want to post. It’ll also help you tailor your marketing strategies to the unique features offered by the platform. 

For instance, here are some points you need to consider:

  • Do you want your Black Friday ad campaign to be visually engaging? Then use social media platforms like Instagram. This can be great for fashion and food brands. 
  • Do you want to hold the audience’s attention via engaging text? Then use social media platforms like Twitter and LinkedIn. This can be great for magazines, SEO services, and other text-focused businesses. 
  • Do you want to create an ad campaign with both text and images? Then use social media platforms like Facebook. This can be great for most industries, from small home-based business owners to worldwide franchise businesses. 

Your marketing (or ad spend) budget should also be a major consideration when deciding which platform you’ll use for your Black Friday ad campaign. 

I recommend comparing the prices of all social media and advertising platforms to see how much money you would need to get similar results on different platforms. 

Not all results are replicable, but this will give you a rough idea of which platform can help you take your dollar the farthest. 

3. Start Early to Benefit More

Don’t wait for the last day to launch your Black Friday ad campaign. Ad campaign fees can be higher during the holiday season, so it’s best to up your marketing game early on. 

Here’s why it helps:

  • You can launch effective ad campaigns before your competition when there’s little to no bidding for similar products and services. 
  • You save money by buying ads when they’re relatively cheaper.
  • You generate audience interest which can boost sales when your offers go live. 

What’s the best way to start early?

First, plan what your Black Friday ads should contain well in advance. Use audience analysis (more on that below) to refine your plan further. 

Second, use words like “upcoming,” “soon,” and “stay tuned” to build excitement and interest. Audience research is essential here too. If you’ve tried A/B testing with your frequent customers before, you’ll have the data to make informed decisions about the word choice and structure. 

Finally, set an early launch date. Start your Black Friday ad campaign a few days before the average business would so you can leverage the lower competition time and attract audience attention. 

Many businesses typically start advertising their Black Friday deals about a week in advance. However, I recommend considering the period around the first week of November to launch your Black Friday ad campaign. 

4. Cash in on Cyber Monday

“BFCM” is a trending term around the Black Friday season. It stands for Black Friday Cyber Monday and refers to the time between the two days when most e-commerce stores offer massive deals. 

Here’s an example of a Black Friday Cyber Monday ad by Pololu.

Pololu Black Friday Cyber Monday ad

This strategy works because the audience is already in a shopping mode during this season, and receiving combined ads can help increase e-commerce interest

Here are some things to keep in mind when designing a BFCM ad:

  • Highlight both Black Friday and Cyber Monday in your ad copy. 
  • Keep the ad copy clear. Don’t clutter it with too much content and colors. 
  • Make your offers clear. Are you offering discounts, deals, free trials, etc.?

5. Understand Your Audience 

You can design the best Black Friday ad, but if it isn’t tailored to your audience, it’s not going to be very useful. 

Think about it: You don’t want to show a bicycle ad to someone who only travels by car.

For instance, data shows Millennials spent the most money on Black Friday deals. It might be more effective to market your products and services to this demographic if relevant to your business model.

Here are some tips that will help you understand your audience and craft a compelling ad copy:

  • Get hyper-specific about your target customer. What do they like and dislike? What gets their attention?
  • Create a buyer persona to make sure you’re looking at the complete picture. You can use HubSpot’s Make My Persona tool to do this more effectively. 
  • Get direct customer feedback through surveys and feedback forms. Here’s a simple but effective example from QuickTapSurvey.
Best Black Friday Ad Campaign Tips - Understand Your Audience
  • Experiment with different wording to see what best resonates with your audience. Switch up the pronouns from “you” to “we” and vice versa. You can also try using completely different copy to see what works well, which brings me to the next point:
  • Try A/B testing with graphics, images, and headlines. A/B testing will give you live feedback on whether your strategies are working or not. It’ll also help you pinpoint the areas where your Black Friday ad campaign is lacking and how to improve it. 

6. Target Your Ad Campaigns

Now that you understand your audience, it’s time to make sure your Black Friday ads are targeted to them. 

Social media platforms like Facebook can be helpful for this. For example, Facebook offers a wide selection of targeting and retargeting options so you can truly narrow down the customers you want to reach. 

Best Black Friday Ad Campaign Tips - Target Your Ad Campaigns

Refer to your buyer persona and create specific ad campaigns to appeal to your target buyer. This will ensure you are reaching the right people without wasting a lot of money. 

7. Offer Options to Recover Abandoned Carts

Often people will visit your e-commerce store, browse through your products, maybe add a few to the cart, but leave without buying. Research shows e-commerce brands lose $18 billion in sales revenue each year because of abandoned carts. 

You can offer options to recover abandoned carts. Here’s how:

Understand and Change 

First, start by understanding why people are abandoning the process midway. For example, is it the shipping fees? If so, can you offer discounted or free shipping for Black Friday? 

Offer Better Deals

Sometimes customers want to buy the product, but they want to check out competitor products or simply wait for a discount. As an e-commerce business owner, you can use this to your advantage by offering Black Friday discounts and exclusive deals to such customers. 

For example, look at the abandoned cart recovery email below, shared by TargetBay

Best Black Friday Ad Campaign Tips - Offer Options to Recover Abandoned Carts

Emails like this serve three primary purposes:

  • It reminds customers to complete the transaction if they’ve forgotten it while browsing. 
  • It establishes a sense of trust and loyalty because you’re sending targeted offers right into their inbox. 
  • It gives you an edge over competitors who aren’t offering such deals. 

8. Don’t Forget Basic Ad Campaign Optimization

Sometimes, in a quest to create a highly effective ad copy, marketers tend to overlook the basic ad campaign optimization strategies. Don’t be one of them. 

To ensure you get the best results from your Black Friday ad campaign, be mindful of the nitty-gritty details. To make this easier, keep the following checklist handy:

  • Budget: What’s your budget for the Black Friday ad campaign? How can you effectively distribute it across different advertising and social media platforms? 
  • Copy: Is your copy clear and easy to understand? Double and triple-check for spelling and grammar mistakes. 
  • Platform features: Are you using all the relevant marketing features the platform you chose has to offer? For example, are you using the right targeting tools on Facebook? Is your Instagram ad campaign visually appealing? 
  • Platform limits: Be careful about the platform limits like word count, number of characters visible, image display, and page position. This can mess up how your ad is seen if not done right. 

Black Friday Ad Campaign Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some of the most frequently asked questions about Black Friday Ad Campaigns.

Is building a Black Friday marketing plan a good idea?

Yes, Black Friday marketing is essential. E-commerce shoppers collectively spend billions during the Black Friday season, making it one of the most lucrative times to up your marketing game.

How should I pick the keywords I target for my Black Friday tactical ad campaigns?

To pick the right keywords for your Black Friday ad campaign, you can use keyword research tools like Ubersuggest, Ahrefs, and Moz. Studying your audience’s needs and consumption habits can also help you understand which Black Friday ad keywords will and won’t resonate.

When should my Black Friday ad campaign start?

If you want to make the most out of your marketing efforts, I recommend beginning early. Start teasing and promoting your offers at the beginning of November to build curiosity and excitement. Plus, it’s cheaper than starting closer to the event.

What are the top tips for ad campaigns for Black Friday 2021?

The top tips for ad campaigns for Black Friday 2021 include audience research, using targeting and retargeting techniques, cashing in on the Cyber Monday sales, and offering abandoned cart recovery deals.

Tactical Black Friday Ad Campaign Tips Conclusion

Black Friday can be a huge opportunity to attract customer attention, build brand awareness and boost revenue.

It may sound a little intimidating at first, considering the scale of the event, but I hope the tips above help you outline an effective Black Friday ad campaign strategy.

If you’d like to learn more about audience research and ad targeting, check out my guides to find your target audience and powerful ways to improve your Facebook targeting

Which strategy would you like to start with to ramp up your Black Friday ad campaign efforts?

These Tactical Black Friday Ad Campaign Tips Can Increase Your Revenue 200%
Publicado Primeiro em Neil Patel